Capital City Bank Group Inc. (CCBG)’s Financial Results Comparing With Synovus Financial Corp. (NYSE:SNV)

Capital City Bank Group Inc. (NASDAQ:CCBG) and Synovus Financial Corp. (NYSE:SNV) are two firms in the Regional – Mid-Atlantic Banks that compete against each other. Below is a comparison of their dividends, analyst recommendations, profitability, institutional ownership, risk, earnings and valuation.

Earnings & Valuation

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Capital City Bank Group Inc. 143.15M 2.73 26.22M 1.32 18.73
Synovus Financial Corp. 1.38B 4.23 410.48M 3.47 11.42

We can see in table 1 the earnings per share, top-line revenue and valuation of Capital City Bank Group Inc. and Synovus Financial Corp. Synovus Financial Corp. appears to has higher revenue and earnings than Capital City Bank Group Inc. The company with the higher P/E out of the two companies is considered for more expensive of the two firms presently. Capital City Bank Group Inc.’s presently higher P/E ratio means it is more expensive than Synovus Financial Corp.


Table 2 represents Capital City Bank Group Inc. (NASDAQ:CCBG) and Synovus Financial Corp. (NYSE:SNV)’s return on equity, return on assets and net margins.

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Capital City Bank Group Inc. 18.32% 5.6% 0.6%
Synovus Financial Corp. 29.74% 11.7% 1%

Risk and Volatility

Capital City Bank Group Inc.’s current beta is 0.78 and it happens to be 22.00% less volatile than Standard and Poor’s 500. Synovus Financial Corp.’s 29.00% more volatile than Standard and Poor’s 500 which is a result of the 1.29 beta.


Capital City Bank Group Inc. pays out a $0.32 per share dividend on a yearly basis and it also offers 1.39% dividend yield. Meanwhile, Synovus Financial Corp.’s annual dividend is $1 per share and it also boasts of a 2.81% dividend yield.

Analyst Recommendations

The table given features the ratings and recommendations for Capital City Bank Group Inc. and Synovus Financial Corp.

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Rating Score
Capital City Bank Group Inc. 0 0 0 0.00
Synovus Financial Corp. 0 1 6 2.86

Synovus Financial Corp. on the other hand boasts of a $47.29 consensus price target and a 29.14% potential upside.

Institutional and Insider Ownership

The shares of both Capital City Bank Group Inc. and Synovus Financial Corp. are owned by institutional investors at 38.7% and 94.5% respectively. About 16.2% of Capital City Bank Group Inc.’s share are owned by insiders. Insiders Comparatively, owned 0.8% of Synovus Financial Corp. shares.


In this table we show the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly and YTD Performance of both pretenders.

Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
Capital City Bank Group Inc. -0.52% 3.33% -7.57% 1.47% 2.48% 6.85%
Synovus Financial Corp. -0.45% 11.83% 5.49% -20.33% -19.59% 23.82%

For the past year Capital City Bank Group Inc. was less bullish than Synovus Financial Corp.


On 14 of the 15 factors Synovus Financial Corp. beats Capital City Bank Group Inc.

Synovus Financial Corp. operates as the bank holding company for Synovus Bank that provides various financial products and services. It offers integrated financial services, including commercial and retail banking, financial management, insurance, and mortgage services. The companyÂ’s commercial banking services comprise cash management, asset management, capital market, and institutional trust services, as well as commercial, financial, and real estate loans. Its retail banking services consist of accepting various types of demand and savings deposits; mortgage, installment, and other retail loans; investment and brokerage services; safe deposit services; automated banking services; automated fund transfer services; Internet based banking services; and bank credit card services, including MasterCard and Visa services. The company also offers various other financial services, including portfolio management for fixed-income securities, investment banking, execution of securities transactions as a broker/dealer, asset management and financial planning services, and individual investment advice on equity and other securities, as well as trust services. As of December 31, 2016, it operated through 28 divisions and 248 branches in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee. Synovus Financial Corporation was founded in 1888 and is headquartered in Columbus, Georgia.

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