Cookson Peirce & Co Inc decreased its stake in Darden Restaurants Inc (DRI) by 1.83% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cookson Peirce & Co Inc sold 3,688 shares as the company’s stock declined 1.90% while stock markets rallied. The institutional investor held 197,347 shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $19.71M, down from 201,035 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cookson Peirce & Co Inc who had been investing in Darden Restaurants Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $14.63 billion market cap company. The stock increased 0.40% or $0.47 during the last trading session, reaching $118.98. About 1.56M shares traded or 26.16% up from the average. Darden Restaurants, Inc. (NYSE:DRI) has risen 20.22% since April 8, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.85% the S&P500. Some Historical DRI News: 22/03/2018 – Darden Restaurants Back FY18 Sales Growth View of 13%; 22/03/2018 – DARDEN: PROFIT WON’T BE AFFECTED BY LACK OF OLIVE GARDEN DEAL; 22/03/2018 – DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC – INCREASED ITS FINANCIAL OUTLOOK FOR FISCAL 2018; 22/03/2018 – Darden Restaurants 3Q Net $217.8M; 22/03/2018 – Darden Restaurants 3Q EPS $1.73; 22/03/2018 – Olive Garden Parent Darden Tops Profit Estimates, But Sales Fall Slightly Short — MarketWatch; 22/03/2018 – DARDEN EARNINGS CALL ENDS; 16/03/2018 – DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC DRI.N : MIZUHO STARTS WITH BUY; TARGET PRICE $105; 06/03/2018 INDIA DRI MOVED SURAT COURT AGAINST NIRAV MODI, 3 COS; 22/03/2018 – DARDEN SEES FY EFFECTIVE TAX RATE 16%-16.5%
First Personal Financial Services decreased its stake in International Business Machs (IBM) by 20.64% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. First Personal Financial Services sold 5,330 shares as the company’s stock rose 12.54% with the market. The institutional investor held 20,493 shares of the computer manufacturing company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $2.33M, down from 25,823 at the end of the previous reported quarter. First Personal Financial Services who had been investing in International Business Machs for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $127.50B market cap company. The stock increased 0.35% or $0.5 during the last trading session, reaching $143.28. About 2.73 million shares traded. International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) has declined 10.00% since April 8, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 14.37% the S&P500. Some Historical IBM News: 20/03/2018 – IBM Launches Watson Data Kits to Help Accelerate Enterprise AI Adoption; 18/04/2018 – Slowing Cloud Growth Casts Shadow Over IBM’s Turnaround (Video); 26/04/2018 – TSB CALLS IN IBM TO HELP RESOLVE ITS DIGITAL BANKING CRISIS – SKY NEWS; 25/05/2018 – IBM Presenting at Money20/20 Europe Conference Jun 4; 29/03/2018 – IBM – IMPACT OF THE CHANGES ESSENTIALLY OFFSET EACH OTHER WITHIN CO’S 2018 EXPECTATIONS OF AT LEAST $13.80 OF OPERATING EPS; 17/04/2018 – IBM 1Q Global Financing Rev $405M; 17/04/2018 – Mainframe computers should help IBM extend the growth streak; 16/05/2018 – IBM Study: Majority of Businesses View GDPR as Opportunity to Improve Data Privacy and Security; 20/03/2018 – IBM and Robin Systems Announce a Joint Solution for the Containerized IBM Db2 Warehouse on Robin Cloud Platform; 18/04/2018 – XTD LTD XTD.AX – SIGNED COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH IBM FOR GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF SMART CITIES SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
Since October 31, 2018, it had 5 insider purchases, and 0 insider sales for $2.09 million activity. 8,500 shares valued at $998,835 were bought by Rometty Virginia M on Friday, November 2. On Wednesday, October 31 TAUREL SIDNEY bought $495,846 worth of International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) or 4,311 shares. Swedish Joseph had bought 2,000 shares worth $232,838. WADDELL FREDERICK H had bought 2,153 shares worth $249,722 on Thursday, November 1.
More notable recent International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) news were published by: which released: “IBM: Reasons For Optimism? – Seeking Alpha” on October 18, 2018, also with their article: “IBM Earnings: The Hidden Growth – Seeking Alpha” published on January 23, 2019, published: “Quantum computing could change everything, and IBM is racing with Microsoft, Intel, and Google to conquer it. Here’s what you need to know – Business Insider” on March 17, 2019. More interesting news about International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) were released by: and their article: “Red Hat Reports Double-Digit Growth Ahead of IBM Deal – The Motley Fool” published on March 26, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Better Dividend Buy: IBM vs. Coca-Cola – Motley Fool” with publication date: March 14, 2019.
First Personal Financial Services, which manages about $289.97M US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Gilead Sciences Inc (NASDAQ:GILD) by 6,215 shares to 8,416 shares, valued at $526,000 in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Costco Whsl Corp New (NASDAQ:COST) by 1,608 shares in the quarter, for a total of 12,564 shares, and has risen its stake in Target Corp (NYSE:TGT).
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.59 in 2018 Q4. Its down 0.32, from 0.91 in 2018Q3. It dropped, as 129 investors sold IBM shares while 678 reduced holdings. 121 funds opened positions while 353 raised stakes. 523.62 million shares or 6.28% more from 492.69 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Convergence Invest Ltd Llc, Wisconsin-based fund reported 39,783 shares. Maple Cap Management Inc holds 0.26% or 9,012 shares in its portfolio. First Hawaiian Financial Bank invested in 0.1% or 14,197 shares. Merriman Wealth Management Limited Liability Co stated it has 1,793 shares or 0.05% of all its holdings. Csat Advisory Limited Partnership owns 28,346 shares for 1.92% of their portfolio. Argent Cap Limited Liability Company, a Missouri-based fund reported 2,463 shares. Nuwave Invest Management Ltd Limited Liability Company reported 2,263 shares. Financial Incorporated has invested 0% of its portfolio in International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM). M&T Bancorp Corporation accumulated 0.36% or 545,659 shares. Roanoke Asset Mgmt Corporation Ny reported 0.23% of its portfolio in International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM). Virginia-based Signature Mngmt has invested 0.16% in International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM). Duff And Phelps Mgmt owns 9,685 shares for 0.02% of their portfolio. Nelson Van Denburg And Campbell Wealth Mngmt Gru Limited Liability Corp holds 0.09% or 3,151 shares. Central National Bank & Trust And Tru stated it has 0.04% of its portfolio in International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM). Ing Groep Nv reported 712,754 shares.
Analysts await International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) to report earnings on April, 16. They expect $2.22 earnings per share, down 9.39% or $0.23 from last year’s $2.45 per share. IBM’s profit will be $1.98B for 16.14 P/E if the $2.22 EPS becomes a reality. After $4.87 actual earnings per share reported by International Business Machines Corporation for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -54.41% negative EPS growth.
More notable recent Darden Restaurants, Inc. (NYSE:DRI) news were published by: which released: “3 Top Restaurant Stocks to Buy in March – The Motley Fool” on March 10, 2019, also with their article: “Potential for Improvement Seems Already Priced Into Dollar Tree Stock –” published on April 04, 2019, published: “10 Biggest Price Target Changes For Friday – Benzinga” on March 22, 2019. More interesting news about Darden Restaurants, Inc. (NYSE:DRI) were released by: and their article: “Nike, Micron, Tilray and More Major Earnings Coming This Week – 24/7 Wall St.” published on March 17, 2019 as well as ‘s news article titled: “Earnings Scheduled For March 21, 2019 – Benzinga” with publication date: March 21, 2019.
Cookson Peirce & Co Inc, which manages about $632.80 million and $1.04 billion US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Ingersoll (NYSE:IR) by 89,212 shares to 193,382 shares, valued at $17.64M in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Deckers Outdoor Corp (NYSE:DECK) by 3,675 shares in the quarter, for a total of 8,295 shares, and has risen its stake in Amgen Inc (NASDAQ:AMGN).
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