Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. (DCPH) and Gritstone Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ:GRTS) Contrasting side by side

Both Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:DCPH) and Gritstone Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ:GRTS) compete on a level playing field in the Biotechnology industry. We will evaluate their performance with regards to dividends, analyst recommendations, profitability, risk, institutional ownership, earnings and valuation.

Valuation and Earnings

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 0.00 99.85M -2.60 0.00
Gritstone Oncology Inc. 1.19M 331.04 64.78M -2.28 0.00

Table 1 demonstrates Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Gritstone Oncology Inc.’s top-line revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.


Table 2 provides us the net margins, return on assets and return on equity of both businesses.

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. 0.00% -35.4% -31.9%
Gritstone Oncology Inc. -5,443.70% 0% 0%


18.5 and 18.5 are the respective Current Ratio and a Quick Ratio of Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. Its rival Gritstone Oncology Inc.’s Current and Quick Ratios are 6.1 and 6.1 respectively. Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. has a better chance of clearing its pay short and long-term debts than Gritstone Oncology Inc.

Analyst Ratings

The table shown features the ratings and recommendations for Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Gritstone Oncology Inc.

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Rating Score
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. 0 0 1 3.00
Gritstone Oncology Inc. 0 0 2 3.00

The upside potential is 110.53% for Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. with average price target of $50. On the other hand, Gritstone Oncology Inc.’s potential upside is 37.44% and its average price target is $18.5. The results provided earlier shows that Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. appears more favorable than Gritstone Oncology Inc., based on analyst belief.

Institutional and Insider Ownership

The shares of both Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Gritstone Oncology Inc. are owned by institutional investors at 58.5% and 59.7% respectively. About 0.1% of Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s share are held by insiders. Insiders Competitively, held 2.3% of Gritstone Oncology Inc. shares.


In this table we provide the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly and YTD Performance of both pretenders.

Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. -0.38% 6.59% 12.84% -23.93% 17.57% 36.45%
Gritstone Oncology Inc. 6.08% 2.27% -46.26% 0% 0% -15.28%

For the past year Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. has 36.45% stronger performance while Gritstone Oncology Inc. has -15.28% weaker performance.


Gritstone Oncology Inc. beats on 6 of the 10 factors Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, develops drugs to enhance the lives of cancer patients by addressing key mechanisms of drug resistance that limit the rate and durability of response of various cancer therapies. The company develops DCC-2618, a pan-KIT and pan-PDGFRa inhibitor for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, advanced systemic mastocytosis, gliomas, and other solid tumors. It is also developing immunokinase inhibitors comprising DCC-3014 for treatment of solid tumors and hematologic malignancies; and Rebastinib to treat breast cancer, as well as to investigate in combination with chemotherapy and checkpoint inhibitors. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Gritstone Oncology Inc. is engaged in the discovery and development of cancer immunotherapies. The company focuses on developing tumor-specific neo-antigens-based therapies for non-small cell lung cancer. Gritstone Oncology Inc. has a strategic collaboration with bluebird bio, Inc. The company was incorporated in 2015 and is based in San Francisco, California with operations in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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