Contrasting of Hess Corporation (HES) and SandRidge Mississippian Trust II (NYSE:SDR)

Both Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES) and SandRidge Mississippian Trust II (NYSE:SDR) compete on a level playing field in the Independent Oil & Gas industry. We will evaluate their performance with regards to risk, analyst recommendations, profitability, institutional ownership, dividends, earnings and valuation.

Earnings and Valuation

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Hess Corporation 6.15B 2.97 328.00M -1.09 0.00
SandRidge Mississippian Trust II 13.74M 3.65 10.32M 0.23 4.52

In table 1 we can see Hess Corporation and SandRidge Mississippian Trust II’s gross revenue, earnings per share and valuation.


Table 2 represents Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES) and SandRidge Mississippian Trust II (NYSE:SDR)’s net margins, return on assets and return on equity.

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Hess Corporation -5.33% -3.3% -1.5%
SandRidge Mississippian Trust II 75.11% 23.2% 23.2%

Volatility & Risk

Hess Corporation has a 1.97 beta, while its volatility is 97.00%, thus making it more volatile than Standard and Poor’s 500. SandRidge Mississippian Trust II’s 44.00% more volatile than Standard and Poor’s 500 which is a result of the 1.44 beta.


Hess Corporation pays out an annual dividend of $1 per share while its dividend yield is 1.64%. SandRidge Mississippian Trust II offers an annual dividend of $0.19 per share, bundled with 18.73% dividend yield.

Analyst Recommendations

Hess Corporation and SandRidge Mississippian Trust II Recommendations and Ratings are available on the next table.

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Rating Score
Hess Corporation 0 1 4 2.80
SandRidge Mississippian Trust II 0 0 0 0.00

Hess Corporation’s upside potential is 13.01% at a $68.2 consensus price target.

Insider and Institutional Ownership

Hess Corporation and SandRidge Mississippian Trust II has shares held by institutional investors as follows: 90.8% and 0.7%. About 0.7% of Hess Corporation’s share are held by insiders. On the other hand, insiders held about 9.67% of SandRidge Mississippian Trust II’s shares.


In this table we provide the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly and YTD Performance of both pretenders.

Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
Hess Corporation 3.11% 9.87% 9.81% -11.72% 29.91% 46.49%
SandRidge Mississippian Trust II 1.98% 0.98% -6.36% -29.93% 7.93% 21.18%

For the past year Hess Corporation has stronger performance than SandRidge Mississippian Trust II


On 8 of the 14 factors SandRidge Mississippian Trust II beats Hess Corporation.

Hess Corporation, an exploration and production company, develops, produces, purchases, transports, and sells crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas. The company operates in two segments, Exploration and Production, and Bakken Midstream. It is also involved in crude oil and natural gas gathering, processing of natural gas and the fractionation of natural gas liquids, transportation of crude oil by rail car, terminaling and loading crude oil and natural gas liquids, and the storage and terminating of propane primarily in the Bakken and Three Forks Shale plays in the Williston Basin area of North Dakota. The company operates primarily in the United States, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, the Joint Development Area of Malaysia/Thailand, Malaysia, and Norway. As of December 31, 2016, it had total proved reserves of 1,109 million barrels of oil equivalent. The company was founded in 1920 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

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