Analysts expect XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) to report $0.58 EPS on May, 1.They anticipate $0.03 EPS change or 4.92% from last quarter’s $0.61 EPS. XPO’s profit would be $63.33M giving it 24.02 P/E if the $0.58 EPS is correct. After having $0.72 EPS previously, XPO Logistics, Inc.’s analysts see -19.44% EPS growth. The stock increased 3.70% or $1.99 during the last trading session, reaching $55.73. About 1.61M shares traded. XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) has declined 50.96% since April 1, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 55.33% the S&P500. Some Historical XPO News: 02/05/2018 – XPO Logistics eyes up to $8bn in deals; 23/03/2018 – Hold XPO Logistics – it’s best in class, says @JimCramer; 03/04/2018 – REG-XPO Logistics Uses Emerging Technology in Robot Security Program; 10/05/2018 – Leading Investor Advisory Firms Back Teamster Demand For Better Disclosure Of Working Conditions At XPO Logistics, Inc; 04/04/2018 – XPO LOGISTICS EUROPE SA XPO.PA – VALIO SELECTS XPO LOGISTICS TO HANDLE ALL LOGISTICS OPERATIONS IN SAINT PETERSBURG; 07/03/2018 – CAFC: XPO LOGISTICS WORLDWIDE v. US [RULE 36 JUDGMENT] – Appeal #18-1202 – 2018-03-07; 02/05/2018 – XPO Logistics 1Q Net $66.9M; 11/04/2018 – XPO software offers shippers real-time cargo tracking; 31/05/2018 – XPO LOGISTICS INC – EXPECTS TO INTEGRATE NEW UNITS INTO ITS FLEET THROUGHOUT THE YEAR; 08/03/2018 – Press Release: XPO Logistics Contract Logistics Site Reaches Safety Milestone
Among 6 analysts covering Exact Sciences (NASDAQ:EXAS), 6 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Exact Sciences had 10 analyst reports since October 31, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by UBS with “Buy” on Thursday, November 29. Craig Hallum maintained Exact Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) on Friday, February 22 with “Buy” rating. Jefferies maintained it with “Buy” rating and $84 target in Wednesday, October 31 report. On Friday, February 22 the stock rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with “Buy”. The rating was maintained by UBS on Friday, February 22 with “Buy”. BTIG Research maintained Exact Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) rating on Friday, February 22. BTIG Research has “Buy” rating and $110 target. The rating was maintained by Robert W. Baird with “Buy” on Thursday, February 21. See Exact Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) latest ratings:
15/03/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Buy Upgrade
26/02/2019 Broker: Goldman Sachs Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Buy Upgrade
23/02/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Hold Downgrade
22/02/2019 Broker: Craig Hallum Rating: Buy New Target: $95 Maintain
22/02/2019 Broker: UBS Rating: Buy New Target: $109 Maintain
22/02/2019 Broker: BTIG Research Rating: Buy New Target: $110 Maintain
22/02/2019 Broker: Canaccord Genuity Rating: Buy New Target: $100 Maintain
21/02/2019 Broker: Robert W. Baird Rating: Buy New Target: $102 Maintain
29/11/2018 Broker: UBS Rating: Buy New Target: $100.0000 Maintain
31/10/2018 Broker: Jefferies Old Rating: Buy New Rating: Buy Old Target: $74 New Target: $84 Maintain
XPO Logistics, Inc. provides transportation and logistics services in the United States, North America, France, the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, and internationally. The company has market cap of $6.09 billion. The company's Transportation segment offers freight brokerage, last mile, drayage, expedite, less-than truckload, intermodal, truckload, and forwarding services; and time-critical, time-sensitive, or high priority freight shipment services. It has a 19.35 P/E ratio. The Company’s Logistics segment provides contract logistics services, including engineered and customized solutions, value-added warehousing and distribution, cold chain solutions, omni-channel distribution, reverse logistics, transportation management, freight bill audit and payment, lean manufacturing support, aftermarket support, and supply chain optimization solutions to firms and government agencies.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.73 in Q4 2018. Its down 0.35, from 1.08 in 2018Q3. It turned negative, as 93 investors sold XPO Logistics, Inc. shares while 129 reduced holdings. 57 funds opened positions while 105 raised stakes. 85.15 million shares or 9.73% less from 94.33 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Vanguard Grp Incorporated invested 0.03% in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO). 75,000 were reported by Okumus Fund Ltd. The Indiana-based Walter Keenan Financial Consulting Mi Adv has invested 0.41% in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO). Sei Invests invested in 61,177 shares or 0.02% of the stock. Picton Mahoney Asset Mngmt invested 0.06% of its portfolio in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO). Employees Retirement Association Of Colorado holds 23,117 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Moreover, Deltec Asset Management has 1.47% invested in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) for 93,488 shares. M&T National Bank accumulated 0.01% or 16,248 shares. Fifth Third Retail Bank stated it has 0% of its portfolio in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO). Great West Life Assurance Company Can owns 57,989 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Whittier Tru has 0% invested in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) for 371 shares. Parallax Volatility Advisers Limited Partnership has invested 0% in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO). Group One Trading Limited Partnership has 0.05% invested in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO). Moreover, Senator Grp Limited Partnership has 2.38% invested in XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) for 1.50M shares. Amundi Pioneer Asset Mngmt accumulated 447,623 shares or 0.02% of the stock.
Among 12 analysts covering XPO Logistics (NYSE:XPO), 11 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 92% are positive. XPO Logistics had 24 analyst reports since October 3, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Sector Weight” rating on Monday, January 14 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Friday, November 2 by Stifel Nicolaus. Morgan Stanley downgraded it to “Equal-Weight” rating and $71 target in Tuesday, February 19 report. The rating was maintained by Raymond James with “Buy” on Tuesday, February 19. Bank of America maintained XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) on Thursday, December 13 with “Buy” rating. Credit Suisse maintained XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) on Monday, November 5 with “Outperform” rating. The firm has “Overweight” rating given on Thursday, December 13 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. The stock has “Overweight” rating by JP Morgan on Friday, November 2. SunTrust maintained the shares of XPO in report on Tuesday, February 19 with “Buy” rating. The stock of XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) earned “Buy” rating by Loop Capital Markets on Tuesday, February 19.
More notable recent XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) news were published by: which released: “Better Buy: XPO Logistics vs. JB Hunt Transportation – The Motley Fool” on March 30, 2019, also with their article: “3 Top Value Stocks to Buy Right Now – The Motley Fool” published on March 31, 2019, published: “Why XPO Logistics Shares Slumped 17.2% in February and Continue to Fall – Motley Fool” on March 11, 2019. More interesting news about XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO) were released by: and their article: “Why Have XPO Logistics Shares Fallen Over 50% Since October? – Motley Fool” published on March 04, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “XPO Off-Loads Chief Operating Officer as Focus Shifts – The Motley Fool” with publication date: March 16, 2019.
Since October 8, 2018, it had 0 insider purchases, and 7 sales for $57.85 million activity. LIDGARD GRAHAM PETER had sold 38,311 shares worth $2.87 million on Monday, November 5. Conroy Kevin T had sold 304,397 shares worth $24.74M. COWARD D SCOTT sold $13.23M worth of stock. Elliott Jeffrey Thomas sold $7.17 million worth of stock or 90,909 shares.
The stock increased 4.65% or $4.03 during the last trading session, reaching $90.65. About 1.88 million shares traded or 0.55% up from the average. Exact Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) has risen 103.11% since April 1, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 98.74% the S&P500. Some Historical EXAS News: 26/04/2018 – EXACT Sciences 1Q Loss $39.4M; 26/04/2018 – EXACT SCIENCES CORP EXAS.O SEES FY 2018 REVENUE $420 MLN TO $430 MLN; 14/05/2018 – Exact Sciences at Bank of America Conference Tomorrow; 30/05/2018 – American Cancer Society recommends earlier colorectal cancer screening; 30/05/2018 – Exact Sciences Applauds American Cancer Society’s Updated Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines to Include People Age 45-49; 19/03/2018 – Harry Connick, Jr. and Wife and Cancer Survivor Jill Connick Team Up to Urge People 50 and Older to Get Screened for Colon Canc; 20/03/2018 – EXACT SCIENCES CORP – STENHOUSE, VICE PRESIDENT, U.S. IMMUNOLOGY AT ABBVIE, WILL ASSUME NEW POSITION ON APRIL 2, 2018; 06/03/2018 Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Paul Limburg to join Exact Sciences medical leadership; 19/03/2018 – Exact Sciences Closes Below 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 26/04/2018 – Exact Sciences Closes Above 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals
More notable recent Exact Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) news were published by: which released: “Better Buy: Exact Sciences vs. Illumina – Nasdaq” on March 17, 2019, also with their article: “8 Genomic Testing Stocks That Can Ease the Sting of Theranos – Nasdaq” published on March 27, 2019, published: “Look Under The Hood: IWB Has 10% Upside – Nasdaq” on March 07, 2019. More interesting news about Exact Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) were released by: and their article: “Should You Invest in the Invesco DWA Healthcare Momentum ETF (PTH)? – Nasdaq” published on March 25, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Exact Sciences (EXAS) Weakness Tied to Guardant Health’s (GH) Deal to Acquire Bellwether Bio – Bloomberg –” with publication date: March 27, 2019.
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