Analysts expect TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI) to report $0.25 EPS on April, 29.They anticipate $0.06 EPS change or 19.35% from last quarter’s $0.31 EPS. TBI’s profit would be $9.69M giving it 23.67 P/E if the $0.25 EPS is correct. After having $0.61 EPS previously, TrueBlue, Inc.’s analysts see -59.02% EPS growth. The stock increased 1.98% or $0.46 during the last trading session, reaching $23.67. About 167,161 shares traded. TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI) has declined 12.97% since March 28, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 17.34% the S&P500. Some Historical TBI News: 03/05/2018 – PeopleScout’s Proprietary Talent Technology Platform, AffinixTM, Wins the 2018 HRO Today TekTonic Award for Candidate; 30/04/2018 – TRUEBLUE 1Q REV. $554M, EST. $570.5M (2 EST.); 30/04/2018 – TRUEBLUE REPORTS DIVESTITURE OF PLANETECHS; 04/05/2018 – WBBJ7News: #BREAKING: TBI announces 11 arrests in Hardeman Co. robbery spree ?; 17/05/2018 – Back to the Tried and True Blue (Chip) at Christie’s; 31/05/2018 – Capitol Federal: Additional Distribution Will Allow CFFN to Pay True Blue Capitol Div; 14/03/2018 – Gladstone Land Entered Into10-Year, Triple-Net Lease With True Blue Farms; 30/04/2018 – TrueBlue Sees 2Q EPS 32c-EPS 38c; 08/03/2018 Rep. Jody Hice: Hice Receives True Blue Award, Scores 100 Percent on FRC Action’s Scorecard; 30/05/2018 – WSMV News4 Nashville: BREAKING: The TBI has just released a photo of the suspect, Steven Wiggins
Royce Value Trust Inc (RVT) investors sentiment decreased to 1.63 in Q4 2018. It’s down -1.64, from 3.27 in 2018Q3. The ratio worsened, as 62 institutional investors increased or opened new holdings, while 38 decreased and sold their equity positions in Royce Value Trust Inc. The institutional investors in our database now hold: 19.59 million shares, down from 38.91 million shares in 2018Q3. Also, the number of institutional investors holding Royce Value Trust Inc in top ten holdings decreased from 2 to 1 for a decrease of 1. Sold All: 12 Reduced: 26 Increased: 34 New Position: 28.
More notable recent Royce Value Trust Inc. (NYSE:RVT) news were published by: which released: “Royce Value Trust, Inc. (NYSE-RVT) declares First Quarter Common Stock Distribution of $0.29 Per Share – PRNewswire” on March 01, 2019, also with their article: “Royce Value Trust (NYSE: RVT) as of Feb 28, 2019 – PRNewswire” published on March 27, 2019, published: “Small Cap CEF Yields 7.7%, Deep Discount Of 9.2%, Outperformed The Index The Past 32 Years – Seeking Alpha” on July 04, 2018. More interesting news about Royce Value Trust Inc. (NYSE:RVT) were released by: and their article: “Royce Value Trust, Inc. Announces Terms for Its Common Stock Rights Offering – PR Newswire” published on May 18, 2018 as well as‘s news article titled: “Royce Value Trust, Inc. Announces Terms of Common Stock Rights Offering – PR Newswire” with publication date: January 25, 2018.
Royce Value Trust Inc. is a close ended equity mutual fund launched and managed by Royce & Associates, LLC. The company has market cap of $1.14 billion. It invests in the public equity markets of the United States. It currently has negative earnings. The fund spreads its investments across diversified sectors.
The stock increased 0.51% or $0.07 during the last trading session, reaching $13.71. About 218,280 shares traded. Royce Value Trust Inc. (RVT) has declined 9.22% since March 28, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 13.59% the S&P500.
Pring Turner Capital Group Inc holds 3.38% of its portfolio in Royce Value Trust Inc. for 202,764 shares. Blue Bell Private Wealth Management Llc owns 407,330 shares or 2.53% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Shaker Financial Services Llc has 1.46% invested in the company for 219,250 shares. The Connecticut-based Yakira Capital Management Inc. has invested 1.16% in the stock. Bulldog Investors Llc, a New Jersey-based fund reported 110,925 shares.
TrueBlue, Inc. provides contingent staffing, recruitment process outsourcing, and contingent staffing management services in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. The company has market cap of $917.40 million. It operates through three divisions: PeopleReady, PeopleManagement, and PeopleScout. It has a 14.52 P/E ratio. The PeopleReady segment offers a range of staffing solutions for blue-collar, contingent on-demand, and skilled labor in retail, manufacturing, warehousing, logistics, energy, construction, hospitality, and other industries under Labor Ready, CLP Resources, and Spartan Staffing brand names.
Among 2 analysts covering TrueBlue (NYSE:TBI), 0 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. TrueBlue had 2 analyst reports since November 6, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. On Tuesday, November 6 the stock rating was maintained by Credit Suisse with “Neutral”. On Monday, February 11 the stock rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets with “Market Perform”.
More notable recent TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI) news were published by: which released: “TrueBlue, Inc. 2018 Q4 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” on February 08, 2019, also with their article: “TrueBlue Is Bringing An Umbrella To A Tsunami – Seeking Alpha” published on July 02, 2018, published: “Toll Brothers Announces Cash Dividend NYSE:TOL – GlobeNewswire” on March 12, 2019. More interesting news about TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI) were released by: and their article: “TrueBlue, Inc. (TBI) CEO Patrick Beharelle on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” published on November 05, 2018 as well as‘s news article titled: “Toll Brothers Reports FY 2019 1st Quarter Results – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: February 26, 2019.
Investors sentiment is 1.19 in Q4 2018. Its the same as in 2018Q3. It has no change, as 8 investors sold TrueBlue, Inc. shares while 60 reduced holdings. only 25 funds opened positions while 56 raised stakes. 37.34 million shares or 1.81% more from 36.68 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Dimensional Fund Advsrs L P invested in 2.94 million shares. Ameriprise Financial holds 308,271 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Barrow Hanley Mewhinney And Strauss Ltd Liability reported 124,111 shares. Art Advisors Limited Liability Corporation has invested 0.02% in TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI). Mackay Shields Limited Liability Company stated it has 60,239 shares. Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt holds 0.01% of its portfolio in TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI) for 13,882 shares. Clarivest Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability Com holds 280,850 shares. Acadian Asset Mgmt Ltd Liability has 594,883 shares for 0.07% of their portfolio. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) holds 0% or 2,738 shares in its portfolio. Cambridge Inv Rech Advsr Inc holds 0.01% or 29,101 shares in its portfolio. Moreover, Northern Tru Corporation has 0% invested in TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI). Victory accumulated 15,262 shares or 0% of the stock. 271,000 are owned by Lsv Asset Management. Matarin Capital Mngmt Ltd Limited Liability Company reported 0% in TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI). Brandywine Global Investment Management Limited Company reported 0.02% stake.
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