Exenium (XNT) had a good 24 hours as the cryptocurrency jumped $0.00126699999999999 or 0.59% trading at $0.21539. According to International Crypto Analysts, Exenium (XNT) eyes $0.236929 target on the road to $0.438777877248934. XNT last traded at Exenium exchange. It had high of $0.216657 and low of $0.140637 for March 4-5. The open was $0.214123.
Exenium (XNT) is up 29.60% in the last 30 days from $0.1662 per coin. Its up 0.00% in the last 100 days since when traded at $0.00 (non existent) and the annual trend is up. 200 days ago XNT traded at $0.00 (non existent). Exenium maximum coins available are 1.00M. XNT uses algorithm and proof type. It was started on 12/02/2018.
Exenium is a platform for the sale and purchase of cryptocurrency with a comprehensive set of tools for managing a multi-currency investor portfolio. The main goal of the team is to create a service that will satisfy all the needs of a modern cryptocurrency market. The users of Exenium platform will benefit from an Intuitive interface, Allocation, and support of highly liquid assets, Personal data and Finance security.
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