It was good day for TechShares (THS), as it jumped by $0.000258719999999997 or 0.44%, touching $0.059195136. Global Cryptocoin Experts believe that TechShares (THS) is looking for the $0.0651146496 goal. According to 8 analysts could reach $0.129689141871638. The highest price was $0.060812136 and lowest of $0.058936416 for March 3-4. The open was $0.058936416. It last traded at LiveCoin exchange.
For a month, TechShares (THS) tokens went up 232.18% from $0.01782 for coin. For 100 days THS is up 182.82% from $0.02093. It traded at $0.04027 200 days ago. It has 600.00M coins in circulation. It was founded on 28/05/2016. The Crypto THS has DPoS proof type and operates under DPoS algorithm.
TechShares(THS) is a Financial Smart Contracts platform and cryptocurrency that enables trading of digital assets and has market-pegged assets that track the value of their underlying asset. TechShares(THS)will be capable of handling over 100.000 (100k) transaction per second on commodity hardware with parallel architectural optimizations in mind.
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