Calix Inc. (CALX)’s Financial Results Comparing With Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (NASDAQ:IIJI)

Calix Inc. (NYSE:CALX) and Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (NASDAQ:IIJI) compete with each other in the Communication Equipment sector. We will analyze and contrast their institutional ownership, profitability, analyst recommendations, risk, dividends, earnings and valuation.

Earnings & Valuation

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Calix Inc. 441.32M 0.99 19.30M -2.18 0.00
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. N/A 0.00 N/A 0.55 21.00

Table 1 demonstrates Calix Inc. and Internet Initiative Japan Inc.’s top-line revenue, earnings per share and valuation.


Table 2 shows us Calix Inc. and Internet Initiative Japan Inc.’s return on assets, net margins and return on equity.

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Calix Inc. -4.37% -18.7% -9.3%
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 0.00% 7.6% 3.6%

Risk and Volatility

A beta of 0.85 shows that Calix Inc. is 15.00% less volatile than S&P 500. Internet Initiative Japan Inc. on the other hand, has 0.73 beta which makes it 27.00% less volatile compared to S&P 500.


Calix Inc.’s Current Ratio and Quick Ratio are 1.2 and 1 respectively. The Current Ratio and Quick Ratio of its competitor Internet Initiative Japan Inc. are 1.6 and 1.5 respectively. Internet Initiative Japan Inc. therefore has a better chance of paying off short and long-term obligations compared to Calix Inc.


Meanhile, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.’s yearly dividend is $0.12 per share and 1.14% dividend yield. No dividend is paid out by Calix Inc.

Analyst Recommendations

Calix Inc. and Internet Initiative Japan Inc. Ratings and Recommendations are available in the next table.

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Rating Score
Calix Inc. 0 0 1 3.00
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 0 0 0 0.00

$14 is Calix Inc.’s average target price while its potential upside is 69.90%.

Insider and Institutional Ownership

Institutional investors held 62.9% of Calix Inc. shares and 0.9% of Internet Initiative Japan Inc. shares. About 2.2% of Calix Inc.’s share are held by insiders.


In this table we show the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly and YTD Performance of both pretenders.

Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
Calix Inc. -3.73% -5.11% 12.61% 19.1% 45.16% 56.13%
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. -5.58% 21.96% 9.38% 15.5% 15.62% 26.78%

For the past year Calix Inc. has stronger performance than Internet Initiative Japan Inc.


On 8 of the 12 factors Internet Initiative Japan Inc. beats Calix Inc.

Calix, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops, markets, and sells broadband communications access platforms, systems, and software for fiber- and copper-based network architectures that enable communications service providers (CSPs) to transform networks and connect to residential and business subscribers. The company develops and sells carrier-class hardware and cloud products to enhance and transform CSP access networks to meet the demands of subscribers. Its portfolio consists of three core systems and/or nodes: E-Series access systems and nodes, B6 access nodes, and the C7 multiservice, multiprotocol access system. The company also offers the P-Series optical network terminals and residential gateways; the GigaFamily of GigaCenters, GigaHubs, and GigaPoints; and the Calix Management System, OpenLink cable software, and Compass Cloud family of software-as-a-service products. Its portfolio serves the CSP network from the central office or data center to the subscriber premises and enables CSPs to deliver voice, high-speed data, and broadband services over legacy and next-generation access networks. The company markets its access systems and software to CSPs in the United States, the Caribbean, Canada, Europe, and internationally through its direct sales force and resellers. Calix, Inc. was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Petaluma, California.

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