Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services Trimmed Amazon Com (AMZN) Stake; Leidos Holdings (LDOS)’s Sentiment Is 1.31

Leidos Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LDOS) Logo

Leidos Holdings Inc (LDOS) investors sentiment increased to 1.31 in Q3 2018. It’s up 0.41, from 0.9 in 2018Q2. The ratio improved, as 175 investment professionals opened new and increased holdings, while 134 sold and reduced holdings in Leidos Holdings Inc. The investment professionals in our database now possess: 104.32 million shares, down from 107.17 million shares in 2018Q2. Also, the number of investment professionals holding Leidos Holdings Inc in top ten holdings was flat from 1 to 1 for the same number . Sold All: 28 Reduced: 106 Increased: 120 New Position: 55.

Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services Llc decreased Amazon Com Inc (AMZN) stake by 10.65% reported in 2018Q3 SEC filing. Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services Llc sold 401 shares as Amazon Com Inc (AMZN)’s stock declined 15.37%. The Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services Llc holds 3,364 shares with $5.60 million value, down from 3,765 last quarter. Amazon Com Inc now has $770.32 billion valuation. The stock increased 5.01% or $75.11 during the last trading session, reaching $1575.39. About 9.18M shares traded or 20.50% up from the average. Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has risen 41.49% since January 5, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 41.49% the S&P500. Some Historical AMZN News: 20/04/2018 – 35 authors have attended similar “Fishbowl” events at Amazon over the last year; 27/04/2018 – Recode Daily: Amazon’s got a new Prime number – annual membership goes up to $119, from $99; 17/04/2018 – LG Smart Appliances Now Work With Both Amazon Alexa And The Google Assistant; 18/04/2018 – FICO Solution for Identifying Procurement Fraud, Waste and Abuse Now on Amazon Web Services (AWS); 29/04/2018 – Walmart Expected to Announce Asda Deal on Monday; 07/03/2018 – Amazon admits Alexa is creepily laughing at people and is working on a fix. via @circuitbreaker; 18/04/2018 – Amazon’s Bezos Reveals Company Has Topped 100 Million Prime Members (Video); 16/05/2018 – RT @CNBCnow: NEW: The Berkshire Hathaway/Amazon/JPMorgan Chase health care joint venture is struggling to find a CEO; 09/05/2018 – Rakuten Super Logistics Partners With inVia Robotics to Integrate Autonomous Mobile Robots into US Warehouses; 08/05/2018 – Smart Communications™ to Scale Support of its Solutions via the Amazon Web Services Infrastructure

More notable recent Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) news were published by: Nasdaq.com which released: “Amazon (AMZN) Faces Strike Hurdles Before Epiphany in Spain – Nasdaq” on January 04, 2019, also Seekingalpha.com with their article: “Amazon Go seen generating huge sales – Seeking Alpha” published on January 04, 2019, Nasdaq.com published: “Amazon Posts Record-Breaking Holiday Sales: Time to Buy AMZN Stock? – Nasdaq” on December 26, 2018. More interesting news about Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) were released by: Nasdaq.com and their article: “Microsoft Stock Is Worth Its Relatively High Price – Nasdaq” published on January 04, 2019 as well as Nasdaq.com‘s news article titled: “AMZN: Amazon Stock Pops on Record Holiday Sales – Nasdaq” with publication date: December 26, 2018.

Among 17 analysts covering Amazon.com (NASDAQ:AMZN), 17 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Amazon.com had 22 analyst reports since July 13, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. PiperJaffray maintained Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) rating on Friday, July 27. PiperJaffray has “Overweight” rating and $2100 target. The rating was maintained by Wedbush with “Outperform” on Friday, July 27. On Wednesday, August 29 the stock rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley with “Overweight”. The company was maintained on Friday, October 26 by Bank of America. The rating was maintained by JMP Securities with “Market Outperform” on Friday, July 27. The rating was maintained by DA Davidson with “Buy” on Wednesday, September 5. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Friday, July 27 with “Buy”. The stock of Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) earned “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Thursday, September 27. The firm has “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital given on Friday, July 13. The firm earned “Overweight” rating on Friday, October 26 by Barclays Capital.

Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services Llc increased Schwab Strategic Tr (SCHP) stake by 99,624 shares to 707,450 valued at $37.69M in 2018Q3. It also upped Cisco Sys Inc (NASDAQ:CSCO) stake by 13,212 shares and now owns 57,651 shares. Schwab Strategic Tr (SCHO) was raised too.

Analysts await Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) to report earnings on February, 7. They expect $5.48 earnings per share, up 153.70% or $3.32 from last year’s $2.16 per share. AMZN’s profit will be $2.68 billion for 71.87 P/E if the $5.48 EPS becomes a reality. After $5.75 actual earnings per share reported by Amazon.com, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -4.70% negative EPS growth.

Since August 15, 2018, it had 0 insider purchases, and 22 insider sales for $92.11 million activity. 1,726 shares were sold by Jassy Andrew R, worth $2.70 million. $3.21M worth of stock was sold by Olsavsky Brian T on Thursday, November 15. Reynolds Shelley had sold 437 shares worth $687,447. Shares for $3.02M were sold by Zapolsky David on Thursday, November 15. Another trade for 2,054 shares valued at $3.90 million was sold by Blackburn Jeffrey M. WILKE JEFFREY A sold $3.96 million worth of Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) on Wednesday, September 12. Huttenlocher Daniel P had sold 181 shares worth $285,960.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.18 in 2018 Q3. Its down 0.16, from 1.34 in 2018Q2. It is negative, as 55 investors sold AMZN shares while 636 reduced holdings. 157 funds opened positions while 655 raised stakes. 260.67 million shares or 2.89% less from 268.42 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. First Financial In reported 394 shares stake. Nikko Asset Mngmt Americas Inc invested in 5.51% or 97,946 shares. Centre Asset Management Limited Liability Company holds 6.24% in Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) or 13,430 shares. Lodestar Invest Counsel Lc Il owns 597 shares. Sterling Capital Mngmt Limited Liability Corporation owns 20,832 shares. D E Shaw And Comm Incorporated has invested 1.53% in Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN). Sageworth invested 0.01% in Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN). Tctc Ltd Liability Company holds 0.5% or 5,453 shares. Mogy Joel R Inv Counsel accumulated 17,278 shares. Brouwer & Janachowski Ltd Liability holds 114 shares or 0.04% of its portfolio. Hanson Mcclain stated it has 429 shares or 0.04% of all its holdings. Montrusco Bolton Investments stated it has 1.95% of its portfolio in Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN). Ascend Capital Ltd Limited Liability Company stated it has 7,238 shares or 0.73% of all its holdings. Groesbeck Investment Management Nj holds 0.16% of its portfolio in Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) for 121 shares. Cobblestone Ltd Liability has invested 2.45% of its portfolio in Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN).

More notable recent Leidos Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LDOS) news were published by: Fool.com which released: “As the Pentagon Tightens Its Belt, These Companies Could Get Squeezed – The Motley Fool” on December 16, 2018, also Bizjournals.com with their article: “Amazon Web, Tysons and Springfield Town Center boosting Fairfax economy – Washington – Washington Business Journal” published on December 27, 2018, Seekingalpha.com published: “Leidos reports Q2 beats, in-line guidance – Seeking Alpha” on July 26, 2018. More interesting news about Leidos Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LDOS) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Leidos Is Likely To Benefit From Growth In U.S. Defense Spending – Seeking Alpha” published on November 27, 2018 as well as Seekingalpha.com‘s news article titled: “Leidos +2.3% on mixed Q3 with downside guide – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: October 25, 2018.

Analysts await Leidos Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LDOS) to report earnings on February, 28. They expect $1.07 earnings per share, up 22.99% or $0.20 from last year’s $0.87 per share. LDOS’s profit will be $160.24 million for 12.47 P/E if the $1.07 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.14 actual earnings per share reported by Leidos Holdings, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -6.14% negative EPS growth.

Southpoint Capital Advisors Lp holds 5.95% of its portfolio in Leidos Holdings, Inc. for 2.20 million shares. Overbrook Management Corp owns 218,921 shares or 2.87% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Aureus Asset Management Llc has 2.36% invested in the company for 268,138 shares. The New York-based Locust Wood Capital Advisers Llc has invested 2.24% in the stock. Howard Capital Management, a New York-based fund reported 151,322 shares.

Leidos Holdings, Inc., a science and technology company, provides technology and engineering solutions in the defense, intelligence, homeland security, civil, and health markets in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $7.99 billion. The firm operates through National Security Solutions , Information Systems & Global Solutions (IS&GS), and Health and Infrastructure (HIS) divisions. It has a 16.3 P/E ratio. The NSS segment offers national security solutions and systems for air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace for the U.S. intelligence community, the U.S.

The stock increased 3.99% or $2.05 during the last trading session, reaching $53.38. About 1.46 million shares traded or 37.49% up from the average. Leidos Holdings, Inc. (LDOS) has declined 5.86% since January 5, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 5.86% the S&P500. Some Historical LDOS News: 03/05/2018 – Leidos Holdings 1Q Net $102M; 05/03/2018 – General Services Administration Awards Leidos Contract to Support U.S. Army’s C4ISR Prototyping Operations; 22/05/2018 – Dyncorp launches dual-track review; 18/05/2018 – Wash Tech [Reg]: Leidos’ health footprint set to swell after $10B VA-Cerner pact signed; 14/05/2018 – LEIDOS GETS $210M CONTRACT TO SUPPORT ARMY PROGRAM; 17/05/2018 – LEIDOS HOLDINGS INC – CONTRACT VALUE OF ABOUT $239.5 MLN IF ALL OPTIONS ARE EXERCISED; 03/05/2018 – Leidos Holdings 1Q Defense Solutions Rev $1.178B; 08/05/2018 – LEIDOS HOLDINGS INC LDOS.N : GOLDMAN SACHS REMOVES FROM CONVICTION LIST; 03/05/2018 – Leidos Holdings 1Q Adj EPS $1.03; 14/05/2018 – Leidos Puts Real-Time Training Capability in Warfighters’ Hands Before They Deploy

Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) Institutional Positions Chart

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