About US

Our company of analytic research is interested in tech analysis, long and short equities and value.

We believe in high income for everyone at the market and we have the knowledge to share with people who share our beliefs.

Our analysts are well known at the national and international financial markets. Clients from abroad come to us with questions, and they usually receive all the help they wanted.

This company was founded by Josh Donohue, typical Californian with big ambitions and a real plan for the rest of his life. He has two degrees, one in the tech area, and another in economics. He studied finances at Harvard?s business school, and tech science at MIT. However, Josh does not like to talk about his past where he was a successful entrepreneur and independent researcher. He believes that all that matters is his and his company?s future.

Ten years ago, Josh has started this company from a scratch. We started with creating portfolios for our clients and business analysis of the market. After the number of our clients began to grow, we decided to give them a small bonus in a daily newsletter. It is completely free for every our subscriber.

Analysts from our company share their personal view on the market and predict some changes there. They are willing to discuss their thoughts with others on official forum at the website.

Usually, you can find their articles in prestigious financial magazines and other outlets. Try to follow for some updates in the market analysis here.

Contact US:

New York, NY 10013