The stock of Tidewater Inc. (NYSE:TDW) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 3.06% or $0.74 during the last trading session, reaching $23.42. About 83,205 shares traded. Tidewater Inc. (NYSE:TDW) has declined 5.60% since April 18, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 9.97% the S&P500. Some Historical TDW News: 14/05/2018 – TIDEWATER INC TDW.N QUARTERLY REVENUE $91.5 MLN; 22/03/2018 – TIDEWATER REPORTS PACT WITH TRANSALTA; 22/03/2018 – TIDEWATER REITERATES CURRENT RUN RATE ANNUALIZED EBITDA VIEW; 22/03/2018 – TIDEWATER – CO, TRANSALTA AGREED IN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO NEGOTIATE IN GOOD FAITH, EXECUTE REMAINING DEFINITIVE AGREEMENTS OVER 2018 TIMEFRAME; 14/05/2018 – Tidewater Reports Results For The Three Months Ended March 31, 2018; 14/03/2018 – Tidewater Reports Results For The Three Months Ended December 31, 2017 and The Nine Month Transition Period From April 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017; 21/03/2018 – David Darling and Mark Parker join Tidewater’s Management Team; 18/04/2018 – S&PGR Asgns Tidewater Auto Rcvbls Trust 2018-A Nts Prelim Rtgs; 14/05/2018 – Tidewater 4Q Loss/Shr $1.67; 03/04/2018 – VantageScore Appoints Phillip W. Bracken to Lead Government and Mortgage Industry RelationsThe move comes after 6 months negative chart setup for the $873.33M company. It was reported on Apr, 18 by . We have $22.25 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:TDW worth $43.67 million less.
Among 8 analysts covering Moody’s (NYSE:MCO), 2 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 25% are positive. Moody’s had 13 analyst reports since October 29, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Tuesday, February 19 by UBS. As per Tuesday, February 19, the company rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets. The stock of Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) earned “Equal-Weight” rating by Morgan Stanley on Monday, October 29. The firm has “Neutral” rating by UBS given on Tuesday, April 9. UBS maintained the stock with “Neutral” rating in Tuesday, January 8 report. The stock of Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) has “Underweight” rating given on Tuesday, January 8 by Morgan Stanley. The company was maintained on Tuesday, October 30 by Wells Fargo. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Monday, February 25 by Nomura. PiperJaffray maintained Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) rating on Friday, April 5. PiperJaffray has “Neutral” rating and $205 target. The stock of Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) earned “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital on Monday, January 7. See Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) latest ratings:
09/04/2019 Broker: UBS Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Neutral Old Target: $170 New Target: $198 Maintain
05/04/2019 Broker: PiperJaffray Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Neutral Old Target: $178 New Target: $205 Maintain
20/03/2019 Broker: BMO Capital Markets Rating: Hold New Target: $182 Maintain
19/03/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Buy Upgrade
25/02/2019 Broker: Nomura Rating: Buy New Target: $194 Maintain
19/02/2019 Broker: UBS Rating: Hold New Target: $170 Maintain
19/02/2019 Broker: BMO Capital Markets Rating: Hold New Target: $172 Maintain
08/01/2019 Broker: UBS Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Neutral Old Target: $156 New Target: $154 Maintain
08/01/2019 Broker: Morgan Stanley Old Rating: Equal-Weight New Rating: Underweight Downgrade
07/01/2019 Broker: Barclays Capital Old Rating: Overweight New Rating: Overweight Old Target: $175 New Target: $165 Maintain
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.9 in 2018 Q4. Its down 0.27, from 1.17 in 2018Q3. It dropped, as 68 investors sold Moody's Corporation shares while 176 reduced holdings. 62 funds opened positions while 157 raised stakes. 167.92 million shares or 6.71% more from 157.36 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Moreover, Daiwa Securities Group Inc has 0.03% invested in Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) for 25,458 shares. 989,584 are held by Parametric Portfolio Associates Ltd Liability Company. Synovus Fincl Corp holds 0% or 852 shares in its portfolio. Amalgamated Bancshares holds 0.1% in Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) or 24,513 shares. Rodgers Brothers invested 0% of its portfolio in Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO). Natl Bank Pictet Cie (Asia) Limited has 5,393 shares for 0.41% of their portfolio. Boltwood Management has 1,848 shares for 0.18% of their portfolio. Wealthtrust stated it has 47 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Amer Fincl Bank stated it has 165 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc owns 859 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Brinker Cap holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) for 2,371 shares. Deutsche Comml Bank Ag invested in 1.89M shares. Enterprise Fincl holds 0% of its portfolio in Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) for 9 shares. Kentucky Retirement Trust Fund accumulated 0.12% or 3,297 shares. Kornitzer Capital Management Ks holds 25,976 shares.
More notable recent Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) news were published by: which released: “Moody’s Corp. (MCO) Acquires Majority Stake in Vigeo Eiris –” on April 15, 2019, also with their article: “Oligopolies Continue To Move The Market (Updated) – Seeking Alpha” published on April 15, 2019, published: “3 Stocks to Help You Build Retirement Wealth – Nasdaq” on March 30, 2019. More interesting news about Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) were released by: and their article: “Buffett on Financial Statements: Balance Sheet Assets –” published on April 15, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Buffett on Financial Statements: The Income Statement –” with publication date: April 15, 2019.
Since November 16, 2018, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 insider sale for $819,846 activity. $819,846 worth of Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) was sold by Worrall Blair.
The stock increased 0.63% or $1.18 during the last trading session, reaching $189.15. About 429,008 shares traded. Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) has risen 3.44% since April 18, 2018 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 0.93% the S&P500. Some Historical MCO News: 11/05/2018 – MOODY’S AFFIRMS TENET HEALTHCARE’S RATINGS; OUTLOOK TO STABLE F; 16/03/2018 – NEW YORK – MOODY’S AFFIRMS PRESTIGE’S B2 CFR; OUTLOOK STABLE; 23/05/2018 – Moody’s Reviews Amendment For Tender Option Bond Trust, Series 2016-ZM0158; 08/05/2018 – Moody’s Assigns Aa1/Vmig 1 To Ndhfa Housing Fin. Prog. Bds. 2018 C. Outlook Is Stable; 12/03/2018 – ONCOR OUTLOOK STABLE BY MOODY’S; 03/04/2018 – Moody’s Downgrades Bloomfield, Nm’s Goult To Baa1; Outlook Remains Negative; 07/03/2018 – Moody’s Downgrades Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust To Ba1; Outlook Negative; 03/04/2018 – Moody’s Affirms West Mifflin Area School District, Pa’s Ba1 Go Rating; Revises Outlook To Stable; 13/04/2018 – Moody’s downgrades debt ratings of Notting Hill Housing Trust to Baa1 and upgrades the debt rating of GenFinance Il Plc to Baa1 with stable outlooks, following the creation of Notting Hill Genesis; 17/05/2018 – MOODY’S AFFIRMS CITY OF SAN JOSE, CA’S Aa1 GO BOND RATINGS
MoodyÂ’s Corporation provides credit ratings; and credit, capital markets, and economic related research, data, and analytical tools worldwide. The company has market cap of $35.71 billion. It operates through two divisions, MoodyÂ’s Investors Service and MoodyÂ’s Analytics. It has a 28.06 P/E ratio. The MoodyÂ’s Investors Service segment publishes credit ratings on various debt obligations and entities that issue such obligations comprising various corporate and governmental obligations, structured finance securities, and commercial paper programs.
More notable recent Tidewater Inc. (NYSE:TDW) news were published by: which released: “Consolidated Research: 2019 Summary Expectations for Shoe Carnival, ARC Document Solutions, Tidewater, Rogers, Charah Solutions, and Azure Power Global — Fundamental Analysis, Key Performance Indications – GlobeNewswire” on April 09, 2019, also with their article: “Tidewater to Participate in the Scotia Howard Weil 47th Annual Energy Conference – Business Wire” published on March 22, 2019, published: “Tidewater Is A Speculative Rebound Play Right Now – Seeking Alpha” on November 16, 2018. More interesting news about Tidewater Inc. (NYSE:TDW) were released by: and their article: “Go With The Flow – Jump On Tidewater – Seeking Alpha” published on July 10, 2018 as well as‘s news article titled: “Tidewater Remains An Interesting Speculative Bet On Offshore Support Vessel Rebound – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: March 19, 2019.
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