Reviewing ArQule Inc. (ARQL)’s and Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:CYCC)’s results

This is therefore a contrasting of the risk, analyst recommendations, profitability, dividends, institutional ownership, earnings and valuation in ArQule Inc. (NASDAQ:ARQL) and Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:CYCC). The two are both Biotechnology companies that compete with one another.

Valuation & Earnings

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
ArQule Inc. 25.76M 23.54 15.48M -0.17 0.00
Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 0.00 N/A -0.63 0.00

Table 1 shows top-line revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation of the two companies.


Table 2 represents ArQule Inc. (NASDAQ:ARQL) and Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:CYCC)’s return on assets, return on equity and net margins.

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
ArQule Inc. -60.09% -42.7% -23%
Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. 0.00% -38.8% -31.9%

Volatility & Risk

ArQule Inc.’s current beta is 2.12 and it happens to be 112.00% more volatile than S&P 500. Competitively, Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. is 246.00% more volatile than S&P 500, because of the 3.46 beta.


The Current Ratio of ArQule Inc. is 9.6 while its Quick Ratio stands at 9.6. The Current Ratio of rival Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. is 5.2 and its Quick Ratio is has 5.2. ArQule Inc. is better equipped to clear short and long-term obligations than Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Analyst Ratings

In next table is given ArQule Inc. and Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s ratings and recommendations.

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Rating Score
ArQule Inc. 0 0 4 3.00
Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. 0 0 0 0.00

ArQule Inc.’s average target price is $7.69, while its potential upside is 38.31%.

Institutional & Insider Ownership

ArQule Inc. and Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. has shares held by institutional investors as follows: 81% and 4.1%. 1.26% are ArQule Inc.’s share held by insiders. On the other hand, insiders held about 18.62% of Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s shares.


Here are the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly and YTD Performance of both pretenders.

Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
ArQule Inc. -2.53% -6.22% 0% -44.57% 108.41% 25.27%
Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. 3.95% 6.58% -4.32% -44.24% -44.97% 39.17%

For the past year ArQule Inc.’s stock price has smaller growth than Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.


On 6 of the 10 factors ArQule Inc. beats Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.

ArQule, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, researches and develops therapeutics for the treatment of cancer and rare diseases in the United States. Its lead product candidate is tivantinib (ARQ 197), a small molecule inhibitor of the c-Met receptor tyrosine kinase and its biological pathway, which is in Phase III clinical trial for the treatment of liver cancer. The companyÂ’s clinical-stage products include ARQ 087, a multi-kinase inhibitor of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family Phase II clinical trial for patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and in Phase Ib for multiple oncology indications; ARQ 092, an inhibitor of the AKT serine/threonine kinase in Phase I clinical trials for multiple oncology indications; ARQ 751, a next-generation inhibitor of AKT in Phase I clinical trial for solid tumors; and ARQ 761, an intravenously administered analogue of Beta-lapachone, which is Phase 1b clinical trial used as a promoter of NQo1-mediated programmed cancer cell death. Its pre-clinical development program also includes ARQ 531, an inhibitor of BrutonÂ’s tyrosine kinase. The company has co-development and co-commercialization agreement with Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.; license agreement with Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.; and collaborative research and development agreement with Beryllium Development Corp. Arqule, Inc. was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts.

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, develops medicines for the treatment of cancer and other proliferative diseases. The companyÂ’s oncology development programs include sapacitabine, a novel orally-available nucleoside analog that is in Phase III clinical trial for the front-line treatment of acute myeloid leukemia; and Phase II clinical trial for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. Its oncology development programs also comprise Seliciclib, a first-generation cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor that is in phase I/II combination study with sapacitabine for BRCA mutations; and CYC065, a second generation CDK inhibitor, which is in Phase I clinical trial for solid tumors. In addition, the companyÂ’s oncology development programs include CYC140, a polo-like kinase inhibitor program that is in preclinical development stage. Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey.

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