Shares of Platinum Asset Management (ASX:PTM) last traded at 4.77, representing a move of 1.27%, or 0.06 per share, on volume of 1.65M shares. After opening the trading day at 4.72, shares of Platinum Asset Management traded in a close range. Platinum Asset Management currently has a total float of 583.23M shares and on average sees 2.45M shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 4.44 and high of 6.38.
Australia: Things You Didn’t Know About S&P/ASX 200 Index
S&P ASX 200 is one of Australia’s oldest and leading market index for stocks. The index contains the country’s top 200 companies ranked by way of float-adjusted market capitalization. The index came into being in the early 2,000’s after replacing the All Ordinaries that was the primary investment benchmark in the 1990’s.
Value Changes
Value changes in the index are measured with respect to changes in stock prices rather than market capitalization as is the case in other global market indexes. What this means is that the index value can only change, depending on stock prices changes rather than market capitalization.
Taking into consideration historical data from when the index operated as ‘All Ordinaries’, ASX 200 boasts of an all-time low of 1,538.50 points, registered in November 1992. The index highest point was recorded in November 2007, having climbed to highs of 6,000, from 3,133.3 points at the time of inception in April 2000.
Investors can still be able to look for data beyond 2000 even though the index came to be in the early 2000’s.
Listing Requirement
All the 200 companies listed in the ASX 200 have their shares listed on the country’s bourse the ASX; considered as one of the main requirements. Another factor that is usually taken into consideration prior to the listing into the index is a stock’s liquidity levels. Platinum Asset Management has interesting liquidity profile. A company should be liquid enough to support huge volume trades as well as unusual price changes. Platinum Asset Management has interesting liquidity profile.
While the maximum number of stocks that the index can carry in any given quarter is 200, the same can also be reduced with the exclusions of stocks that do not meet the minimum requirement. The last rebalancing was carried out on September 16, 2016 with the next one slated for December 16, 2016. In the just concluded rebalancing, six companies were dropped paving the way for the inclusion of six others that had met the minimum requirements.
Platinum Asset Management is a company traded on the ASX. Gaining accreditation for listing in the index is always a positive for companies given that the popularity that comes with the same goes a long way in enticing investment as well as research from stock broking firms and analysts.
Stocks listed in the index come from a wide range of sectors ranging from utility financials to healthcare. Currently, companies with exposure to the financial sector account for 10% of the ASX 200 weighted points. These companies also account for nearly 80% of ASX total equity capitalization.
Index Performance
The index is currently trading at highs of 5300 points having rallied by 4.71% since the start of the year. The impressive run comes on institutional investors both local and international flocking the country’s equity market in a bid to advantage of a bull run in play. It is interesting how this will affect Platinum Asset Management. Low interest environment is also fuelling interest in Australia’s stocks give that the same goes a long way to guarantee higher returns on invested funds. Platinum Asset Management liquidity position heated the attention of numerous investors from abroad.
Strong governance structure is one of the key reasons why investors are rushing to invest I the country’s market further helping push the index even higher. Australia is currently raked top in Asia I terms of corporate governance.
More notable recent Platinum Asset Management (ASX:PTM) news were published by: which released: “Platinum Asset Management co-founder to sell $300 million of shares – Motley Fool Australia” on March 20, 2019, also with their article: “5 things to watch on the ASX 200 on Wednesday – Motley Fool Australia” published on March 20, 2019, published: “Why the Platinum Asset Management share price fell 4% today – Motley Fool Australia” on April 08, 2019. More interesting news about Platinum Asset Management (ASX:PTM) were released by: and their article: “Why Domain, Lynas, Platinum, & Praemium shares dropped lower today – Motley Fool Australia” published on April 08, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “ASX 200 lunch time report: Altium, Resolute, & Xero higher – Motley Fool Australia” with publication date: April 08, 2019.
Platinum Investment Management Limited doing business as Platinum Asset Management is a publicly owned hedge fund sponsor. The company has market cap of $2.78 billion. The firm primarily provides its services to pooled investment vehicles. It has a 18.28 P/E ratio. It also caters to pension and profit sharing plans and firms.

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