MetaHash (MHC) had a good 24 hours as the crypto jumped $0.00105493399999999 or 1.50% trading at $0.071208045. According to Top Crypto Experts, MetaHash (MHC) eyes $0.0783288495 target on the road to $0.206304741279495. MHC last traded at Kucoin exchange. It had high of $0.074900314 and low of $0.06857071 for April 7-8. The open was $0.070153111.
MetaHash (MHC) is up 0.00% in the last 30 days from $0.00 (non existent) per coin. Its up 0.00% in the last 100 days since when traded at $0.00 (non existent) and the annual trend is up. 200 days ago MHC traded at $0.00 (non existent). MHC has 952,725 coins mined giving it $67,842 market cap. MetaHash maximum coins available are 9.20 billion. MHC uses algorithm and proof type. It was started on 29/05/2018.
Working on Blockchain 4.0 protocol, #Metahash is a blockchain-based transaction ecosystem that developed the Tracechain protocol to optimize the transaction speed on the crypto space with high-speed transactions and low fees. The Metahash structure has four synergetic parts: TraceChain, MetaApps, Metagate, and MetaHashCoin. The TraceChain is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithm that increases the speed of the traffic all over the network. Through the MetaApps users build DApps and also projects using different languages can be converted to a MetaApp application. The user interface Metagate is the link between TraceChain and MetaApps.
The digital asset MetaHashCoin is a payment method within the Metahash ecosystem and has the utility to be converted to other tokens of different networks.
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