Benin Management Corp decreased its stake in Facebook Inc (FB) by 33.33% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Benin Management Corp sold 3,935 shares as the company’s stock rose 22.38% with the market. The institutional investor held 7,870 shares of the technology company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $1.03M, down from 11,805 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Benin Management Corp who had been investing in Facebook Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $494.35B market cap company. The stock increased 2.68% or $4.51 during the last trading session, reaching $173.21. About 10.70 million shares traded. Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) has declined 4.87% since April 2, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 9.24% the S&P500. Some Historical FB News: 26/03/2018 – FTC: Takes Very Seriously Press Reports Raising Substantial Concerns About Facebook Privacy Practices; 08/03/2018 – As Facebook veers from news, LinkedIn is expanding its operation; 20/04/2018 – Indonesia demands more answers from Facebook on data misuse; 21/03/2018 – FACEBOOK’S ZUCKERBERG SAYS IN 2015, LEARNED THAT KOGAN HAD SHARED DATA FROM HIS APP WITH CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA; 24/04/2018 – Facebook removes accounts advertising stolen identities; 22/03/2018 – Research firm Cambridge Analytica is accused of improperly gaining access to the personal information of tens of millions of Facebook users; 15/05/2018 – Vulcan Adds Facebook, Exits Booking, Cuts AmerisourceBergen: 13F; 19/03/2018 – FRANCE WON’T TOLERATE FACEBOOK DATA USE TO MANIPULATE OPINION; 20/03/2018 – IRISH DATA PROTECTION COMMISSIONER SAYS SEES MICRO-TARGETING OF SOCIAL MEDIA USERS WITH POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS AS ‘AN ONGOING ISSUE’; 06/04/2018 – Facebook will require more authentication for people buying political ads
Quantbot Technologies Lp decreased its stake in Proofpoint Inc (PFPT) by 74.56% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Quantbot Technologies Lp sold 25,737 shares as the company’s stock rose 23.13% with the market. The hedge fund held 8,781 shares of the technology company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $735,000, down from 34,518 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Quantbot Technologies Lp who had been investing in Proofpoint Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $6.74 billion market cap company. The stock decreased 0.07% or $0.08 during the last trading session, reaching $121.83. About 112,441 shares traded. Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) has risen 7.11% since April 2, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.74% the S&P500. Some Historical PFPT News: 27/03/2018 – Wombat Security Introduces New Insider Threat Training Modules; 26/04/2018 – Proofpoint Sees 2Q Adj EPS 15c-Adj EPS 17c; 13/03/2018 – Malwarebytes could consider IPO in 12 months – CEO; 13/04/2018 – Proofpoint Group Lunch Scheduled By Wedbush for Apr. 17; 20/03/2018 – Global Market Survey: 77% of Businesses Expect to Fall Victim to Email Fraud in the Next 12 Months; 26/04/2018 – Proofpoint Sees 2Q Loss/Shr 79c-Loss 73c; 15/05/2018 – Whale Rock Capital Management Buys 2.1% Position in Proofpoint; 21/04/2018 – DJ Proofpoint Inc, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (PFPT); 26/04/2018 – PROOFPOINT INC PFPT.O FY2018 SHR VIEW $0.90, REV VIEW $694.1 MLN — THOMSON REUTERS l/B/E/S; 24/04/2018 – PROOFPOINT INC PFPT.O : MONNESS CRESPI HARDT RAISES TARGET PRICE TO $135 FROM $120
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.06 in Q4 2018. Its down 0.04, from 1.1 in 2018Q3. It fall, as 54 investors sold PFPT shares while 69 reduced holdings. 38 funds opened positions while 92 raised stakes. 48.17 million shares or 5.96% less from 51.22 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Victory Mgmt Inc owns 385,056 shares or 0.08% of their US portfolio. 2,835 were reported by Tower Research Llc (Trc). Bnp Paribas Asset Management Sa has 0.14% invested in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT). North Star Inv Mgmt Corporation stated it has 0% in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT). Parallax Volatility Advisers Ltd Partnership reported 349 shares stake. Panagora Asset holds 31 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Emerald Mutual Fund Advisers holds 295,615 shares or 1.06% of its portfolio. Moreover, Westfield Co Limited Partnership has 0.35% invested in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT). Tiverton Asset Limited Liability Corp has 33,325 shares for 0.17% of their portfolio. Granahan Ma owns 0.12% invested in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) for 19,483 shares. Los Angeles Cap Mgmt & Equity Rech Incorporated has invested 0.01% in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT). Massachusetts Financial Serv Ma holds 0.01% or 144,637 shares in its portfolio. Citigroup Incorporated has invested 0% in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT). Brown Advisory Lc reported 0.1% in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT). Axa stated it has 0.16% in Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT).
More notable recent Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) news were published by: which released: “Proofpoint Announces Third Quarter 2018 Financial Results Nasdaq:PFPT – GlobeNewswire” on October 25, 2018, also with their article: “Billion-Dollar Unicorns: Proofpoint Steadily Building Through Acquisitions – Seeking Alpha” published on February 15, 2019, published: “36 Stocks Moving In Thursday’s Pre-Market Session – Benzinga” on March 28, 2019. More interesting news about Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) were released by: and their article: “Proofpoint Wins 14 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards For Overall Solution Effectiveness, Including Most Innovative Company – Nasdaq” published on March 12, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Why Proofpoint Stock Rose 40% in the Last Month – Nasdaq” with publication date: February 06, 2019.
Analysts await Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) to report earnings on April, 25. They expect $-0.33 EPS, down 371.43% or $0.26 from last year’s $-0.07 per share. After $-0.20 actual EPS reported by Proofpoint, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 65.00% negative EPS growth.
Since October 3, 2018, it had 0 insider purchases, and 5 insider sales for $10.96 million activity. Steele Gary had sold 50,000 shares worth $4.93 million on Thursday, October 4. On Thursday, January 31 Knight David sold $152,148 worth of Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) or 1,500 shares. $374,400 worth of Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ:PFPT) shares were sold by Herren Richard Scott.
Quantbot Technologies Lp, which manages about $581.51M and $1.02B US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Cisco Systems Inc (NASDAQ:CSCO) by 35,186 shares to 55,538 shares, valued at $2.41M in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Cyberark Software Ltd/Israel (NASDAQ:CYBR) by 10,880 shares in the quarter, for a total of 13,443 shares, and has risen its stake in Equinix Inc (NASDAQ:EQIX).
More notable recent Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) news were published by: which released: “Facebook (FB) Likely to Introduce Privacy-Focused Features – Nasdaq” on March 07, 2019, also with their article: “‘A Bit Scrappier’: How Cannabis Marketers Navigate Social Media Restrictions (NASDAQ:FB)(NASDAQ:GOOGL)(NYSE:TWTR) – Benzinga” published on March 15, 2019, published: “Facebook Is Trying to Use Social Commerce to Boost FB Stock –” on March 25, 2019. More interesting news about Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) were released by: and their article: “Facebook Stalls Pre-Earnings But Is Still Too Cheap – Seeking Alpha” published on March 26, 2019 as well as ‘s news article titled: “Facebook (FB) & 4 Other Internet Stocks to Snap Up in 2019 – Nasdaq” with publication date: March 28, 2019.
Since October 3, 2018, it had 0 buys, and 30 insider sales for $82.25 million activity. $671,777 worth of Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) shares were sold by Wehner David M.. Shares for $120,000 were sold by Stretch Colin on Wednesday, October 3. The insider Cox Christopher K sold 5,300 shares worth $795,000. The insider Taylor Susan J.S. sold 2,268 shares worth $308,017. $392,937 worth of Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) shares were sold by FISCHER DAVID B.. Schroepfer Michael Todd sold $5.45 million worth of Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) on Tuesday, November 13.

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