Benin Management Corp decreased its stake in Starbucks Corp (SBUX) by 17.86% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Benin Management Corp sold 6,955 shares as the company’s stock rose 6.18% with the market. The institutional investor held 31,995 shares of the restaurants company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $2.06M, down from 38,950 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Benin Management Corp who had been investing in Starbucks Corp for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $91.98B market cap company. The stock decreased 0.51% or $0.38 during the last trading session, reaching $73.96. About 7.85M shares traded. Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) has risen 26.31% since April 1, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 21.94% the S&P500. Some Historical SBUX News: 24/05/2018 – Starbucks Opened Its Bathrooms to Everyone, and Some People Are Worried; 12/03/2018 – STARBUCKS TO LICENSE RETAILS OPS IN BRAZIL TO SOUTHROCK; 17/04/2018 – Kizzy Cox: #BREAKING: @Starbucks #pressrelease on the closing of its US stores on May 29 for racial bias education…; 09/05/2018 – City News: EXCLUSIVE: Hidden camera found in Starbucks bathroom in Toronto’s financial district; 11/05/2018 – Nestlé agrees $7.2bn tie-up to sell Starbucks products; 17/04/2018 – Starbucks: CEO Kevin Johnson and Men Involved in Incident at the Philadelphia Starbucks Discussing Issue; 26/04/2018 – OPINION: Outside Starbucks, retail trespass arrests are rare in Center City | Stu Bykofsky; 21/03/2018 – STARBUCKS TO FOCUS ON DIGITAL, CHINA, AND RESERVE STORES; 27/04/2018 – Starbucks CEO says Philadelphia arrest protests have not hurt sales in April; 27/04/2018 – The CEO of Starbucks says sales haven’t taken a hit following the Philly arrests
Rhumbline Advisers decreased its stake in Dollar Gen Corp New Com (DG) by 5.44% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Rhumbline Advisers sold 27,974 shares as the company’s stock rose 7.71% with the market. The institutional investor held 486,399 shares of the department and specialty retail stores company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $52.57M, down from 514,373 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Rhumbline Advisers who had been investing in Dollar Gen Corp New Com for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $30.71B market cap company. The stock decreased 0.82% or $0.98 during the last trading session, reaching $118.32. About 2.05M shares traded. Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG) has risen 24.72% since April 1, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.35% the S&P500. Some Historical DG News: 31/05/2018 – Dollar General Costs Outpace Revenue Increase — Earnings Review; 15/03/2018 – In Battle of the Discounters, Dollar General Gains an Edge; 07/03/2018 Dollar General: Director David B. Rickard to Retire; 15/03/2018 – DOLLAR GENERAL CORP DG.N FY2018 SHR VIEW $4.51, REV VIEW $23.54 BLN — THOMSON REUTERS l/B/E/S; 16/05/2018 – Dollar General Closes Above 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 15/03/2018 – DOLLAR GENERAL CORP – 2018 SAME-STORE SALES GROWTH ESTIMATED TO BE IN MID-TWO PERCENT RANGE; 15/03/2018 – RPT-DOLLAR GENERAL CORP – SHARE REPURCHASES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 ARE EXPECTED TO BE APPROXIMATELY $850 MLN; 08/03/2018 – DOLLAR GENERAL CORP – BIRTH MOTHERS TO RECEIVE A TOTAL OF EIGHT WEEKS OF PAID LEAVE; 15/03/2018 – Dollar General Sees FY18 Net Sales to Increase 9%; 18/05/2018 – Dollar General: Paula A. Price to Resign From Board
More notable recent Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) news were published by: which released: “The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Starbucks, Carrefour and Walmart – Nasdaq” on March 21, 2019, also with their article: “Bull of the Day: Starbucks (SBUX) – Nasdaq” published on February 26, 2019, published: “Why Starbucks (SBUX) Stock Looks Like a Strong Buy at New High – Nasdaq” on February 14, 2019. More interesting news about Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) were released by: and their article: “Bulls & Bears Of The Week: Boeing (NYSE:BA), Facebook (NASDAQ:FB), Fox (NASDAQ:FOXA), Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX), Starbucks (NYSE:SBUX) And More – Benzinga” published on March 24, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “BOJA or SBUX: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now? – Nasdaq” with publication date: December 03, 2018.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.84 in Q4 2018. Its up 0.05, from 0.79 in 2018Q3. It is positive, as 51 investors sold SBUX shares while 506 reduced holdings. 146 funds opened positions while 323 raised stakes. 891.08 million shares or 1.55% less from 905.08 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. King Luther Cap Mgmt owns 0.07% invested in Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) for 116,485 shares. Thompson Invest Mgmt invested in 13,201 shares. Cullen Frost Bankers has invested 1% in Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX). Sageworth Tru Com holds 0% of its portfolio in Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) for 2 shares. Intersect Capital Limited Liability owns 6,193 shares. Ferguson Wellman Management holds 33,005 shares or 0.08% of its portfolio. Strategic Advsrs Limited Liability reported 5,979 shares. Jpmorgan Chase invested in 3.98 million shares or 0.06% of the stock. Raab And Moskowitz Asset Management Ltd Co holds 0.42% or 13,110 shares in its portfolio. Joel Isaacson And Company Limited Company reported 3,457 shares. Suntrust Banks stated it has 217,952 shares or 0.08% of all its holdings. Mai Cap holds 0.11% or 29,158 shares. Welch Forbes Ltd has invested 0.21% of its portfolio in Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX). Montag A & Associate Inc reported 18,428 shares stake. Morgan Stanley has 0.63% invested in Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) for 32.62M shares.
Since January 29, 2019, it had 0 buys, and 7 sales for $42.25 million activity. 169,096 shares were sold by CULVER JOHN, worth $11.64 million on Thursday, February 7. The insider BURROWS CLIFFORD sold $10.26 million.
Analysts await Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) to report earnings on April, 25. They expect $0.56 EPS, up 5.66% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.53 per share. SBUX’s profit will be $696.42M for 33.02 P/E if the $0.56 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.75 actual EPS reported by Starbucks Corporation for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -25.33% negative EPS growth.
Rhumbline Advisers, which manages about $34.12 billion and $45.96 billion US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Ishares Russell 1000 Value Etf (IWD) by 24,600 shares to 140,903 shares, valued at $15.65 million in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Washington Real Estate Invt Tr (NYSE:WRE) by 34,505 shares in the quarter, for a total of 126,595 shares, and has risen its stake in Webster Fncl Corp Waterbury Co (NYSE:WBS).
More notable recent Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG) news were published by: which released: “Why Dollar General, Cloudera, and Smart & Final Stores Slumped Today – The Motley Fool” on March 14, 2019, also with their article: “3 Stocks Warren Buffett Would Love – The Motley Fool” published on March 06, 2019, published: “Dollar General (DG) PT Rises To $130 At Guggenheim After Management Meeting –” on March 26, 2019. More interesting news about Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG) were released by: and their article: “11 Stocks To Watch For March 14, 2019 – Benzinga” published on March 14, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “DG Boosted its Dividend by 10.3% –” with publication date: April 01, 2019.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.15 in Q4 2018. Its up 0.01, from 1.14 in 2018Q3. It is positive, as 49 investors sold DG shares while 209 reduced holdings. 81 funds opened positions while 215 raised stakes. 247.59 million shares or 5.06% more from 235.66 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Neuberger Berman Gru Limited Com holds 21,743 shares. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited Co owns 2,094 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Guardian Life Of America reported 752 shares stake. Scholtz & Co Ltd Company accumulated 4.22% or 44,903 shares. Utd Cap Financial Advisers Lc invested in 0.01% or 14,211 shares. Louisiana State Employees Retirement Systems stated it has 0.08% in Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG). Vanguard Group Incorporated Inc invested 0.09% of its portfolio in Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG). Moreover, Jennison Ltd Liability Co has 0.07% invested in Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG) for 590,406 shares. Hudson Valley Advsr Adv stated it has 23,967 shares or 0.6% of all its holdings. Nexus Inv Mgmt Inc invested in 235,495 shares or 4.45% of the stock. Bokf Na reported 33,214 shares or 0.1% of all its holdings. Ww Asset Mngmt Inc holds 19,006 shares or 0.13% of its portfolio. Paradigm Asset Management Ltd Liability Corp reported 0% stake. Suvretta Capital Mgmt Ltd Liability Co holds 369,500 shares or 2.38% of its portfolio. City invested in 15,982 shares.
Since January 8, 2019, it had 0 buys, and 1 sale for $3.63 million activity.

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