As Honeywell Intl (HON) Valuation Rose, Alyeska Investment Group LP Increased Its Position; Reilly Financial Advisors Trimmed Its Nextera Energy (NEE) Stake by $915,516

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Alyeska Investment Group Lp increased its stake in Honeywell Intl Inc (HON) by 32.28% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Alyeska Investment Group Lp bought 183,935 shares as the company’s stock rose 7.07% with the market. The hedge fund held 753,791 shares of the o.e.m. company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $99.59M, up from 569,856 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Alyeska Investment Group Lp who had been investing in Honeywell Intl Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $110.99B market cap company. The stock decreased 0.98% or $1.51 during the last trading session, reaching $152.23. About 1.66 million shares traded. Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) has risen 9.62% since March 7, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 5.25% the S&P500. Some Historical HON News: 20/03/2018 – HONEYWELL – LAUNCH OF ITS CONNECTIVITY SOLUTION, GODIRECT ROUTER; 24/04/2018 – Honeywell International Inc. Reduces Ownership Threshold for Shareowners to Call Special Meetings From 20% to 15%; 20/04/2018 – HONEYWELL – PREPARATIONS TO SPIN-OFF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND HOMES BUSINESSES ARE UNDERWAY, EXPECT THOSE TO BE COMPLETE BY END OF YEAR; 20/04/2018 – HONEYWELL – QTRLY AEROSPACE SEGMENT SALES $3,977 MLN VS $3,546 MLN REPORTED LAST YEAR; 04/05/2018 – HON NAMES RABILLER AS PRESIDENT, CEO OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS; 24/04/2018 – Honeywell International Inc.: Doc re Form 10-Q; 26/04/2018 – CB Process Instrumentation and Controls to Offer Honeywell Product Line; 25/05/2018 – Thales eyes bolt-on M&A but not chasing scale of U.S. rivals; 09/03/2018 – Intellicheck and Honeywell Settle All Pending Patent Matters; 20/04/2018 – HONEYWELL CFO SAYS CAPEX DOWN $30M IN 1Q FROM YEAR EARLIER

Reilly Financial Advisors Llc decreased its stake in Nextera Energy Inc (NEE) by 7.51% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Reilly Financial Advisors Llc sold 5,292 shares as the company’s stock rose 5.72% with the market. The institutional investor held 65,218 shares of the public utilities company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $11.34M, down from 70,510 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Reilly Financial Advisors Llc who had been investing in Nextera Energy Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $89.92B market cap company. The stock increased 0.26% or $0.48 during the last trading session, reaching $188.05. About 1.46 million shares traded. NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) has risen 22.85% since March 7, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 18.48% the S&P500. Some Historical NEE News: 21/05/2018 – NEE TO BUY GULF POWER, FLORIDA CITY GAS, OTHER ASSETS FROM SO; 24/04/2018 – NextEra Energy Earnings More Than Double in First Quarter; 25/04/2018 – A.M. Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Palms Insurance Company, Limited; 21/05/2018 – NextEra Energy: Deal Includes Assumption of About $1.4 Billion of Gulf Power Debt; 03/05/2018 – First responders, along with state and national stakeholders, join FPL for its annual storm drill; 21/05/2018 – NextEra to Buy Southern Co. Florida Utilities for $5.1 Billion; 21/05/2018 – SOUTHERN CO – DEAL FOR EQUITY VALUE OF APPROXIMATELY $5.075 BLN; 30/03/2018 – NEXTERA, JINKOSOLAR IN DEAL FOR SOLAR PANEL MANUFACTURE; 21/05/2018 – CORRECTED-NEXTERA ENERGY – DEAL VALUED AT ABOUT $6.475 BLN (CORRECTS; 30/03/2018 – NEXTERA ENERGY INC SAYS THAT IT IS COUNTERPARTY TO A MAJOR SUPPLY AGREEMENT THAT WAS ANNOUNCED BY JINKOSOLAR IN JANUARY

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.98 in 2018 Q4. Its down 0.08, from 1.06 in 2018Q3. It dropped, as 62 investors sold HON shares while 493 reduced holdings. 121 funds opened positions while 425 raised stakes. 530.97 million shares or 9.69% more from 484.04 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Schafer Cullen Management Inc accumulated 116,337 shares. Roosevelt Inv Grp Inc owns 98,415 shares or 1.42% of their US portfolio. Bragg Advisors has 41,772 shares for 0.83% of their portfolio. Economic Planning Gp Adv reported 0.08% of its portfolio in Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON). B T Mgmt Dba Alpha Mgmt reported 28,225 shares or 1.75% of all its holdings. Groesbeck Inv Nj has invested 0.47% in Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON). Foothills Asset Mngmt Ltd reported 1.69% stake. Ibm Retirement Fund invested in 12,482 shares. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) holds 0.22% or 167,547 shares. San Francisco Sentry Invest Grp (Ca), California-based fund reported 19,105 shares. Creative Planning accumulated 0.06% or 109,670 shares. Peddock Advsrs Limited Liability has invested 0.03% of its portfolio in Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON). 38,509 were accumulated by Keating Inv Counselors. Goodman Fincl stated it has 1,920 shares. Wealthtrust accumulated 7,569 shares or 0.58% of the stock.

Alyeska Investment Group Lp, which manages about $3.14 billion and $6.51B US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Berry Pete Corp by 355,251 shares to 790,909 shares, valued at $6.92 million in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It also reduced its holding in Northern Tr Corp (NASDAQ:NTRS) by 433,411 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 490,729 shares, and cut its stake in Athene Hldg Ltd.

More notable recent Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) news were published by: which released: “Honeywell to debut hybrid-electric turbogenerator – Seeking Alpha” on February 19, 2019, also with their article: “Is Honeywell a Good Value Stock for 2019? – Motley Fool” published on February 09, 2019, published: “Honeywell Still One Of The Best Options – Seeking Alpha” on February 08, 2019. More interesting news about Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) were released by: and their article: “Honeywell: The Pivot Appears To Be Working – Seeking Alpha” published on February 06, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “New Research Coverage Highlights FedEx, Honeywell International, Nielsen Holdings Plc, Changyou, JB Hunt Transport Services, and Eli Lilly — Consolidated Revenues, Company Growth, and Expectations for 2019 – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: February 22, 2019.

Since November 14, 2018, it had 0 insider buys, and 5 sales for $7.38 million activity. DAVIS D SCOTT had sold 3,963 shares worth $590,923. On Wednesday, February 6 Deily Linnet F sold $629,808 worth of Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) or 4,234 shares. $1.94M worth of Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) shares were sold by PARDO JAIME CHICO /FA. On Wednesday, November 21 Mikkilineni Krishna sold $4.06M worth of Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) or 28,281 shares.

Reilly Financial Advisors Llc, which manages about $679.11 million and $686.05 million US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Schwab Strategic Tr (SCHV) by 6,931 shares to 49,003 shares, valued at $2.42 million in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Aqua America Inc (NYSE:WTR) by 149,859 shares in the quarter, for a total of 150,719 shares, and has risen its stake in International Business Machs (NYSE:IBM).

Since September 17, 2018, it had 0 insider buys, and 9 sales for $19.22 million activity. Kelliher Joseph T had sold 8,035 shares worth $1.39 million on Monday, September 17. CUTLER PAUL I sold $1.93 million worth of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) on Wednesday, October 10. $6.39 million worth of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) was sold by Pimentel Armando Jr on Thursday, December 6. 19,731 shares were sold by Sieving Charles E, worth $3.55M. The insider ROBO JAMES L sold $3.25 million.

More notable recent NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) news were published by: which released: “3 Reasons I Just Bought NextEra Energy Stock – The Motley Fool” on February 10, 2019, also with their article: “Investor Expectations to Drive Momentum within NextEra Energy, Equifax, Accenture, STORE Capital, SMART Global, and Cavco Industries — Discovering Underlying Factors of Influence – GlobeNewswire” published on March 01, 2019, published: “The Green New Deal’s Unlikely Winners – Forbes” on March 02, 2019. More interesting news about NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) were released by: and their article: “3 Dividend Stocks to Power Through Earnings Season –” published on February 13, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “3 Dividend Stocks That Are Perfect for Retirement – The Motley Fool” with publication date: March 05, 2019.

Analysts await NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) to report earnings on April, 23. They expect $1.91 EPS, down 1.55% or $0.03 from last year’s $1.94 per share. NEE’s profit will be $913.30 million for 24.61 P/E if the $1.91 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.49 actual EPS reported by NextEra Energy, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 28.19% EPS growth.

Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON) Institutional Positions Chart

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