Shares of Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited (BKK:NINE) last traded at 2.2, representing a move of -0.9%, or -0.02 per share, on volume of 613,200 shares. After opening the trading day at 2.24, shares of Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited traded in a close range. Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited currently has a total float of 365.55M shares and on average sees 5.87 million shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 1.11 and high of 3.4.
Thailand’s Rise To Economic Power
By 2019, Asia is widely expected to make up roughly 26% of the global financial wealth. The same expectations share Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited and its stocks. This massive growth is primarily driven by thriving Asian nations such as Thailand.
Although the unforgettable 1997 Asian Financial Crisis had sparked from Thailand’s foreign currency woes, Asia has gone a long way from there particularly because of Thailand as well.
1997 Asian Financial Crisis
The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis is a historical downfall from where many lessons can be learned. Since then, Thailand has been well-positioned to stay as competitive as bigger countries such as China and Japan.
Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand had suffered a lot from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. The least affected Asian nations include Brunei, China, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Gradually, all of these nations had recouped, leading Asia to where it is now. It can be seen by the number of investors who want to work with Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited. The recovery can be largely attributed to the compelling equity markets in the region.
Thai Equity Market
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is the primary stock exchange in Thailand. As of January 31, 2015, nearly 600 companies are already listed on the SET. Consequently, as of the said date, it has a total market capitalization of $460 billion.
It may not be as large as other Asian stock exchanges but it is equally full of potentials. The SET is also the first stock exchange in Asia to join the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative.
Pre-market morning trading on the SET starts at 9:30 a.m., lasting for 25 minutes to 30 minutes. As soon as it ends, the regular morning trading starts, lasting until 12:30 p.m. There is an hour and a half break before the pre-market afternoon trading starts at 2:00 p.m., lasting for 25 minutes to 30 minutes. As soon as it ends, the regular afternoon trading starts, lasting until 4:30 p.m. Post-market trading immediately follows, lasting for 30 minutes to 40 minutes.
The SET Index, Thailand’s main index, was founded on April 30, 1975, which also serves as its base date. It measures all SET stocks based on market capitalization using the base value of 100 points. The same goes for Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited stocks.
The SET Index features two sub-indices: 1) SET50, which tracks the top 50 companies on the SET; and 2) SET100, which tracks the top 100 companies on the SET.
There are numerous sectors in the SET50. However, the three biggest sectors include the Energy, Materials, and Transporation sectors. The SET50 is revised twice a year, specifically every December and January. All the changes made during these periods reflect on the first session in January and July, respectively.
The SET50 has a base value of 1,000 points, which had been determined on itd publication day in August 1995. It had reached an all-time low of 636.07 points in October 2011; and an all-time high of 1,079.78 points in May 2013.
Entering Asian equity markets is highly recommended nowadays. As for that of Thailand, there is no better time to invest on SET stocks than today.
More notable recent Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited (BKK:NINE) news were published by: which released: “36 Hours in Bangkok – The New York Times” on February 15, 2018, also with their article: “BKK Cookshop is both departure and arrival in Shaw – Washington Post” published on September 11, 2015, published: “‘Queen of Thai street food’ wins Michelin star in Bangkok guide – The Guardian” on December 06, 2017. More interesting news about Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited (BKK:NINE) were released by: and their article: “Bangkok’s ‘deadly rich kids’ get away with murder – New York Post” published on March 23, 2016 as well as ‘s news article titled: “The ultimate guide to Bangkok’s coolest neighborhood – New York Post” with publication date: January 22, 2018.
Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited imports, publishes, and distributes publications primarily in Thailand. The company has market cap of $804.21 million. The firm operates in three divisions: Publishing and Services, TV Media, and Others. It currently has negative earnings. It also produces TV programs; provides advertisements through TV media; and offers digital media and character management services.

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