Glynn Capital Management Llc decreased its stake in Veeva Systems Inc. (VEEV) by 19.88% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Glynn Capital Management Llc sold 53,504 shares as the company’s stock declined 12.12% with the market. The hedge fund held 215,608 shares of the prepackaged software company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $23.47 million, down from 269,112 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Glynn Capital Management Llc who had been investing in Veeva Systems Inc. for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $17.38 billion market cap company. The stock increased 0.75% or $0.89 during the last trading session, reaching $119.58. About 143,698 shares traded. Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) has risen 62.15% since February 25, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 62.15% the S&P500. Some Historical VEEV News: 16/04/2018 – Veeva Cloud Innovation Helps CPG and Chemical Industries Improve Quality Processes; 24/04/2018 – Veeva Closes Below 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 30/05/2018 – MRM//McCann Becomes Japan’s First Agency Certified by Veeva Systems for Healthcare CLM; 24/05/2018 – Veeva Systems Sees 2Q EPS 33c-EPS 34c; 24/05/2018 – VEEVA SYSTEMS INC VEEV.N SEES FY 2019 REVENUE $826 MLN TO $830 MLN; 02/05/2018 – Wells Capital Management Inc. Exits Position in Veeva; 24/05/2018 – Veeva Systems 1Q Adj EPS 33c; 17/04/2018 – Debiopharm International SA Strengthens Compliance and Clinical Trial Oversight with Veeva Vault eTMF; 08/03/2018 – Veeva Forms Golden Cross: Technicals; 15/05/2018 – Matrix Adds Veeva, Exits Amazon, Cuts Netflix: 13F
Lathrop Investment Management Corp increased its stake in Acuity Brands (AYI) by 2.92% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Lathrop Investment Management Corp bought 1,967 shares as the company’s stock declined 24.92% with the market. The institutional investor held 69,436 shares of the building products company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $10.92M, up from 67,469 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Lathrop Investment Management Corp who had been investing in Acuity Brands for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $5.22 billion market cap company. The stock increased 1.19% or $1.55 during the last trading session, reaching $132.18. About 32,677 shares traded. Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI) has declined 29.64% since February 25, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 29.64% the S&P500. Some Historical AYI News: 04/04/2018 – ACUITY BRANDS INC – SOFT ORDER ACTIVITY IN CERTAIN SALES CHANNELS SUGGESTS GROWTH IN LIGHTING FIXTURE MARKET MAY REMAIN SLUGGISH FOR BALANCE OF 2018; 04/04/2018 – ACUITY BRANDS INC – “BELIEVE PRICE OF CERTAIN LED COMPONENTS WILL CONTINUE TO DECLINE THOUGH AT A DECELERATING PACE”; 04/04/2018 – Acuity Brands 2Q Net $96.9M; 04/04/2018 – In earnings, CarMax, Acuity Brands and Lennar are all scheduled to publish their latest financial reports; 05/03/2018 – March 5th Deadline Alert: The Law Offices of Howard G. Smith Reminds Investors of Looming Deadline in the Class Action Lawsuit Against Acuity Brands, Inc; 01/05/2018 – Acuity Brands Inc. Announces Acquisition of IOTA Engineering; 02/05/2018 – Lucid Announces BuildingOS Facilities, Providing a Unified View of the Operating Performance of Commercial Building Portfolios; 05/03/2018 Acuity Hospital of South Texas Hires Tammy Holland as Chief Clinical Officer; 04/04/2018 – ACUITY BRANDS INC – “CONTINUE TO BE CAUTIOUS AND BELIEVE OVERALL MARKET CONDITIONS COULD CONTINUE TO BE CHALLENGING FOR NEAR FUTURE”; 04/04/2018 – ACUITY BRANDS REPORTS FISCAL 2018 2Q RESULTS & REPORTS
More notable recent Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) news were published by: which released: “4 of the Top 7 Global CROs Have Selected Veeva Vault eTMF as Their Enterprise Standard – Business Wire” on February 13, 2019, also with their article: “Veeva to Present at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference – Business Wire” published on February 22, 2019, published: “Veeva Systems (VEEV) Gains As Market Dips: What You Should Know –” on February 06, 2019. More interesting news about Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) were released by: and their article: “3 Reasons Twilio Could Tumble in 2019 – The Motley Fool” published on February 14, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Veeva Systems (VEEV) Stock Sinks As Market Gains: What You Should Know –” with publication date: February 20, 2019.
Analysts await Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) to report earnings on February, 26. They expect $0.31 earnings per share, up 82.35% or $0.14 from last year’s $0.17 per share. VEEV’s profit will be $45.04M for 96.44 P/E if the $0.31 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.35 actual earnings per share reported by Veeva Systems Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -11.43% negative EPS growth.
Glynn Capital Management Llc, which manages about $659.77M and $497.07M US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Halliburton Co. (NYSE:HAL) by 15,313 shares to 35,313 shares, valued at $1.43M in 2018Q3, according to the filing.
Since August 27, 2018, it had 0 insider purchases, and 33 sales for $32.74 million activity. BARABE TIMOTHY C also sold $76,335 worth of Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) shares. On Monday, December 17 Faddis Jonathan sold $794,153 worth of Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) or 9,000 shares. On Wednesday, September 12 the insider Cabral Timothy S sold $2.58M. MATEO ALAN also sold $90,321 worth of Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) shares. Wallach Matthew J sold $1.26M worth of stock or 12,000 shares. $51,085 worth of stock was sold by SEKHRI PAUL J on Wednesday, December 26.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.48 in 2018 Q3. Its down 0.31, from 1.79 in 2018Q2. It worsened, as 20 investors sold VEEV shares while 116 reduced holdings. 75 funds opened positions while 126 raised stakes. 104.55 million shares or 0.67% more from 103.85 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Cim Ltd Liability Com owns 7,205 shares or 0.29% of their US portfolio. First Citizens Savings Bank And Trust holds 0.19% or 15,793 shares in its portfolio. First Republic Inv Mgmt Inc holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) for 27,335 shares. Telemus Capital Limited Liability Com holds 20,007 shares. Moreover, Sheets Smith Wealth Mgmt has 0.1% invested in Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV) for 4,274 shares. Jag Management Llc accumulated 190,333 shares. Virginia Retirement Sys Et Al accumulated 112,900 shares. Dnb Asset As has invested 0% in Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV). 2.21 million were accumulated by State Street. Credit Suisse Ag has 185,673 shares. Acadian Asset Limited Liability Co has 347,435 shares for 0.16% of their portfolio. Stifel Fincl stated it has 0.04% of its portfolio in Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV). Hbk Invs LP holds 0.13% or 115,309 shares in its portfolio. Bb&T Securities Limited Liability Corporation reported 7,668 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Element Mgmt Ltd Liability Company has invested 0.03% in Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV).
Lathrop Investment Management Corp, which manages about $440.08 million and $386.75 million US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) by 14,368 shares to 195,975 shares, valued at $22.41 million in 2018Q3, according to the filing. It also reduced its holding in Convergys Corp (NYSE:CVG) by 42,360 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 145,837 shares, and cut its stake in Illinois Tool (NYSE:ITW).
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.87 in Q3 2018. Its down 0.35, from 1.22 in 2018Q2. It turned negative, as 40 investors sold AYI shares while 140 reduced holdings. 73 funds opened positions while 83 raised stakes. 38.02 million shares or 4.73% less from 39.90 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Wellington Group Limited Liability Partnership owns 2,979 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Montag A accumulated 1,403 shares or 0.02% of the stock. New York-based Tower Research Cap Limited Com (Trc) has invested 0.07% in Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI). The West Virginia-based City has invested 0% in Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI). Alpine Woods Investors Ltd Liability Company invested in 0.29% or 9,000 shares. Whittier Company accumulated 0% or 388 shares. Pnc Services Grp Inc Incorporated has 0% invested in Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI) for 7,252 shares. Barrow Hanley Mewhinney Strauss Limited Liability Company accumulated 698 shares. Advisor Partners Ltd Liability stated it has 1,587 shares or 0.03% of all its holdings. Century Companies Inc owns 1.03 million shares. 4,447 were accumulated by First City. Homrich Berg reported 0.03% in Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI). Daiwa Grp holds 0% or 1,350 shares in its portfolio. Amundi Pioneer Asset Mngmt Inc holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI) for 59,765 shares. Moreover, Vulcan Value Prns has 0.51% invested in Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI) for 448,599 shares.

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