Cedar Fair L.P. (FUN) and Its Competitors Financial Results Comparison

As General Entertainment company, Cedar Fair L.P. (NYSE:FUN) is competing with its rivals based on the analyst recommendations, institutional ownership, profitability, risk, dividends, earnings and valuation.

Institutional and Insider Ownership

54.2% of Cedar Fair L.P.’s shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 59.23% of all General Entertainment’s companies shares are held by institutional investors. On other hand Cedar Fair L.P. has 1% of its shares held by company insiders vs. an average of 30.30% insiders ownership for its rivals.


On first table we have Cedar Fair L.P. and its rivals’ net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Cedar Fair L.P. 9.38% 0.00% 10.00%
Industry Average 16.37% 13.20% 9.77%

Valuation and Earnings

The following data compares Cedar Fair L.P. and its rivals’ net income, top-line revenue and valuation.

Net Income Gross Revenue Price/Earnings Ratio
Cedar Fair L.P. 126.65M 1.35B 19.65
Industry Average 674.24M 4.12B 18.79

Cedar Fair L.P. has lower revenue, but higher P/E Ratio than its peers. With presently higher P/E ratio Cedar Fair L.P. is more expensive than its rivals.

Analyst Ratings

Table 3 provides summary of current ratings for Cedar Fair L.P. and its rivals.

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Rating Score
Cedar Fair L.P. 0 0 1 3.00
Industry Average 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.83

The potential upside of the rivals is 9.73%. The equities research analysts’ belief based on the data delivered earlier is that Cedar Fair L.P.’s rivals are looking more favorable than the company itself.


In this table we provide the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly and YTD Performance of Cedar Fair L.P. and its rivals.

Performance (W) Performance (M) Performance (Q) Performance (HY) Performance (Y) Performance (YTD)
Cedar Fair L.P. -4.68% -0.5% -5.56% -22.07% -22.29% -19.74%
Industry Average 0.00% 2.45% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%


Cedar Fair L.P. has a Current Ratio of 1.1 and a Quick Ratio of 0.9. Competitively, Cedar Fair L.P.’s rivals Current Ratio is 1.13 and has 1.05 Quick Ratio. Cedar Fair L.P.’s competitors have better ability to pay short and long-term obligations than Cedar Fair L.P.

Risk and Volatility

A beta of 0.35 shows that Cedar Fair L.P. is 65.00% less volatile than Standard & Poor’s 500. Competitively, Cedar Fair L.P.’s rivals’ beta is 0.85 which is 15.33% less volatile than Standard & Poor’s 500.


$3.6 per share with a dividend yield of 6.94% is the annual dividend that Cedar Fair L.P. pays. On the other side Cedar Fair L.P.’s rivals have dividend yield of 5.40%.


Cedar Fair L.P.’s competitors beat on 5 of the 7 factors Cedar Fair L.P.

Cedar Fair, L.P. owns and operates amusement and water parks, and hotels in the United States and Canada. The company operates approximately 11 amusement parks, 2 outdoor water parks, 1 indoor water park, and 4 hotels. Its amusement parks include Cedar Point located on Lake Erie between Cleveland and Toledo in Sandusky, Ohio; Knott's Berry Farm near Los Angeles, California; Canada's Wonderland near Toronto, Canada; Kings Island near Cincinnati, Ohio; Carowinds in Charlotte, North Carolina; Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom in Allentown, Pennsylvania; Kings Dominion located near Richmond, Virginia; California's Great America located in Santa Clara, California; Valleyfair located near Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota; Worlds of Fun located in Kansas City, Missouri; and Michigan's Adventure located near Muskegon, Michigan. The company also manages and operates Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park in Gilroy, California; and owns and operates the Castaway Bay Indoor Waterpark Resort in Sandusky, Ohio, as well as two gated outdoor water parks. Cedar Fair Management, Inc. serves as the general partner of Cedar Fair, L.P. The company was founded in 1983 and is based in Sandusky, Ohio.

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