Hamilton Point Investment Advisors Llc decreased its stake in Texas Instrs Inc (TXN) by 16.26% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Hamilton Point Investment Advisors Llc sold 6,757 shares as the company’s stock declined 13.40% with the market. The institutional investor held 34,797 shares of the semiconductors company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $3.73M, down from 41,554 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Hamilton Point Investment Advisors Llc who had been investing in Texas Instrs Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $101.42B market cap company. The stock increased 0.63% or $0.67 during the last trading session, reaching $107.31. About 4.39M shares traded. Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) has declined 4.07% since February 24, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.07% the S&P500.
Benin Management Corp increased its stake in Apple Inc (AAPL) by 7.96% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Benin Management Corp bought 2,683 shares as the company’s stock declined 22.32% with the market. The institutional investor held 36,400 shares of the computer manufacturing company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $8.22M, up from 33,717 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Benin Management Corp who had been investing in Apple Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $815.60B market cap company. The stock increased 1.12% or $1.91 during the last trading session, reaching $172.97. About 18.91M shares traded. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has risen 0.17% since February 24, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.17% the S&P500. Some Historical AAPL News: 12/03/2018 – Apple buys Texture, a digital magazine subscription service; 24/04/2018 – The Tribune: ‘Apple Watch Series 3’ coming to Airtel, Jio stores; 24/04/2018 – LIVE MARKETS-Apple supply chain “taken by surprise”; 24/04/2018 – Ireland and Apple reach deal on back taxes; 06/05/2018 – Apple supplier raises fears over US-China trade spat; 20/03/2018 – TECHNOGYM Becomes First Fitness Equipment Manufacturer to Release Apple GymKit; 27/03/2018 – APPLE ANNOUNCES NEW DRAWING TOOLS FOR IPAD PRODUCTIVITY APPS; 08/05/2018 – EXCLUSIVE – COMPANIES INCLUDING AMAZON, INTEL AND AIRBUS VIE TO TAKE PART IN DRONE TESTS THAT U.S. WILL ANNOUNCE WEDNESDAY; 25/05/2018 – NJ WARN NOTICE FOR APPLE AFFECTS 52; 17/04/2018 – New York Post: Apple gets serious about hunting down peeping drones
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.67 in 2018 Q3. Its down 0.04, from 0.71 in 2018Q2. It is negative, as 54 investors sold AAPL shares while 1030 reduced holdings. 151 funds opened positions while 577 raised stakes. 2.68 billion shares or 3.22% less from 2.77 billion shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Peregrine Asset Advisers has invested 1.44% in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Fiduciary Ser Of The Southwest Inc Tx, Texas-based fund reported 28,995 shares. Lipe And Dalton holds 35,250 shares. Trexquant Lp holds 0.54% or 31,529 shares. 254,766 are held by Riverhead Capital Management Llc. Natl Mutual Ins Federation Of Agricultural Cooperatives owns 49,200 shares. The Georgia-based Advsr Ltd Llc has invested 1.12% in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Moreover, Tanaka Mngmt has 10.31% invested in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Markston Int Limited Com stated it has 7.67% in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Family Co reported 2.23% stake. Portland Advsr Limited Liability reported 15,663 shares. Moreover, Tarbox Family Office has 0.99% invested in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Stonebridge Mgmt accumulated 52,841 shares. New York-based Schafer Cullen Capital has invested 0.01% in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Bath Savings stated it has 105,557 shares.
Since November 19, 2018, it had 0 buys, and 2 insider sales for $902,607 activity. 1,521 shares were sold by LEVINSON ARTHUR D, worth $255,087 on Friday, February 1.
More notable recent Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “Apple Outsmarted The Market – Seeking Alpha” on February 04, 2019, also Nasdaq.com with their article: “Technology Sector Update for 02/15/2019: MRIN, LOGM, TLND, MSFT, AAPL, CSCO, IBM, GOOG – Nasdaq” published on February 15, 2019, Nasdaq.com published: “Technology Sector Update for 02/22/2019: STMP, TTD, PAGS, MSFT, AAPL, IBM, CSCO, GOOG – Nasdaq” on February 22, 2019. More interesting news about Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) were released by: Nasdaq.com and their article: “Get Ready for a Good AAPL Stock Entry Point – Nasdaq” published on February 08, 2019 as well as Nasdaq.com‘s news article titled: “Apple Earnings: AAPL Stock Surges on Q1 EPS Beat – Nasdaq” with publication date: January 29, 2019.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.19 in 2018 Q3. Its up 0.05, from 1.14 in 2018Q2. It increased, as 44 investors sold TXN shares while 372 reduced holdings. 125 funds opened positions while 372 raised stakes. 782.89 million shares or 1.44% less from 794.31 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Prudential owns 1.50M shares or 0.24% of their US portfolio. Jnba invested 0.22% of its portfolio in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Holderness Invests has invested 0.45% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Argent Capital Management Lc holds 6,400 shares. Cambridge Fincl Grp reported 66,636 shares. Sfe Investment Counsel invested in 0.54% or 13,123 shares. Chicago Equity Prtn Llc reported 243,060 shares. Winslow Evans And Crocker holds 0.04% or 1,100 shares in its portfolio. St Germain D J Com accumulated 6,490 shares or 0.08% of the stock. Baystate Wealth Management Limited Liability Corporation invested 0.01% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). United Kingdom-based Findlay Park Prns Ltd Liability Partnership has invested 0.82% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Magnetar Finance Limited Company holds 0.01% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) or 2,841 shares. 2,621 are owned by Destination Wealth Management. Jennison Assoc Ltd Liability stated it has 6.84 million shares. Pennsylvania Trust reported 80,585 shares stake.
More notable recent Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) news were published by: Nasdaq.com which released: “Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for January 30, 2019 – Nasdaq” on January 29, 2019, also Nasdaq.com with their article: “SPTM, TXN, GILD, LMT: Large Inflows Detected at ETF – Nasdaq” published on October 31, 2018, Nasdaq.com published: “Why Texas Instruments is a Top 25 Dividend Giant (TXN) – Nasdaq” on February 12, 2019. More interesting news about Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) were released by: Nasdaq.com and their article: “INTC or TXN: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now? – Nasdaq” published on December 03, 2018 as well as Nasdaq.com‘s news article titled: “Can Semiconductor Industry Sustain Momentum in 2019? – Nasdaq” with publication date: February 07, 2019.

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