Benin Management Corp decreased its stake in Pepsico Inc (PEP) by 3.62% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Benin Management Corp sold 3,826 shares as the company’s stock rose 2.31% while stock markets declined. The institutional investor held 101,752 shares of the consumer non-durables company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $11.38 million, down from 105,578 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Benin Management Corp who had been investing in Pepsico Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $163.62B market cap company. The stock increased 2.95% or $3.32 during the last trading session, reaching $115.91. About 8.89M shares traded or 67.84% up from the average. PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE:PEP) has declined 0.46% since February 16, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 0.46% the S&P500. Some Historical PEP News: 26/04/2018 – PepsiCo 1Q Frito-Lay North America Rev $3.62B; 26/04/2018 – PEPSICO -CEO SAYS COMPANY IS NOT LOOKING AT SEPARATION OR SALE OF NORTH AMERICAN BEVERAGES; 26/04/2018 – PepsiCo: On Track to Achieve Financial Targets Set Out at Beginning of Year; 26/04/2018 – PEPSICO SEES 2018 CORE SHR $5.70; 19/03/2018 – PEPSICO WILL PUBLISH LIST OF MILLS PRODUCE PALM OIL; 26/04/2018 – PepsiCo 1Q North America Beverages Rev Down 1%; 26/04/2018 – PepsiCo 1Q Rev $12.56B; 19/03/2018 – New York Post: There is a massive Frito-Lay shortage in NYC bodegas; 26/04/2018 – Pepsi has been trying to turn around its lagging Gatorade business; 20/03/2018 – License: Pepsi Pops the Top on Coach Collab
Beese Fulmer Investment Management Inc increased its stake in Emerson Elec Co Com (EMR) by 5.88% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Beese Fulmer Investment Management Inc bought 4,133 shares as the company’s stock declined 17.99% with the market. The institutional investor held 74,387 shares of the consumer electronics and appliances company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $5.70 million, up from 70,254 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Beese Fulmer Investment Management Inc who had been investing in Emerson Elec Co Com for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $41.99 billion market cap company. The stock increased 2.75% or $1.83 during the last trading session, reaching $68.31. About 3.90M shares traded. Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) has declined 4.91% since February 16, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.91% the S&P500. Some Historical EMR News: 01/05/2018 – Emerson Electric 2Q Cont Ops EPS 76c; 19/04/2018 – BlueFin & Emerson Form Strategic Partnership to Deliver Roxar Gauge Technology to U.S. Gulf of Mexico Operators; 23/05/2018 – EMERSON ELECTRIC TRAILING THREE-MONTH ORDERS UP 5% TO 10%; 18/04/2018 – EMERSON ELECTRIC CO – EXPECTS ACQUISITION TO BE ACCRETIVE TO EARNINGS IN FISCAL 2019 AND IMMEDIATELY ACCRETIVE TO CASH FLOW; 30/05/2018 – Moody’s downgrades Artesyn Embedded Technologies, Inc. CFR to B3, outlook stable; 22/04/2018 – DJ Emerson Electric Co, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (EMR); 18/04/2018 – Emerson Electric Sees Acquisition Closing Within Next 90 Days; 01/05/2018 – Emerson Electric Raises FY18 View To EPS $3.10-EPS $3.20; 01/05/2018 – Emerson Electric Raises Full-Year Guidance; 01/05/2018 – Emerson Electric Sees FY18 Underlying Sales Growth About 7%
Among 24 analysts covering PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP), 6 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 25% are positive. PepsiCo had 81 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs on Wednesday, June 29 with “Neutral”. The stock of PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) has “Hold” rating given on Tuesday, July 3 by Deutsche Bank. Cowen & Co maintained PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) rating on Tuesday, July 11. Cowen & Co has “Buy” rating and $12800 target. Susquehanna maintained PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) rating on Friday, September 28. Susquehanna has “Positive” rating and $135 target. Credit Suisse maintained it with “Hold” rating and $124.0 target in Thursday, February 1 report. On Tuesday, April 19 the stock rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs with “Neutral”. The stock of PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) earned “In-Line” rating by Evercore on Wednesday, February 14. The rating was maintained by Macquarie Research with “Outperform” on Friday, September 28. Morgan Stanley maintained the shares of PEP in report on Thursday, October 4 with “Overweight” rating. Stifel Nicolaus maintained the shares of PEP in report on Friday, April 27 with “Hold” rating.
Since October 4, 2018, it had 0 insider buys, and 4 selling transactions for $22.66 million activity. Narasimhan Laxman sold $587,364 worth of stock. Shares for $2.26 million were sold by Spanos Mike. The insider Khan Mehmood sold $18.53M.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.87 in 2018 Q3. Its down 0.14, from 1.01 in 2018Q2. It dived, as 43 investors sold PEP shares while 682 reduced holdings. 129 funds opened positions while 502 raised stakes. 952.72 million shares or 0.70% less from 959.39 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Avalon Advsr Lc stated it has 1.56% of its portfolio in PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP). Victory Cap Incorporated stated it has 0.01% in PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP). Btim invested 0.88% of its portfolio in PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP). Barclays Public Limited Company has 1.68 million shares. Piedmont Invest Advsrs owns 0.49% invested in PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) for 105,310 shares. United Financial Advisers Lc has 663,550 shares. Lsv Asset Mgmt invested in 28,803 shares. Lincoln Limited Liability Corp owns 13,030 shares. Fulton Breakefield Broenniman owns 77,236 shares for 1.34% of their portfolio. 112,582 were accumulated by Mai Mngmt. Lmr Partners Llp reported 3,308 shares. Morgan Stanley has 11.13 million shares for 0.31% of their portfolio. Moreover, Dillon And Associates has 2.93% invested in PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP). Aviance Capital Prtnrs Limited Liability Corp reported 7,981 shares. 270,867 are owned by Metropolitan Life Ins New York.
Benin Management Corp, which manages about $278.88M and $249.43M US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) by 2,683 shares to 36,400 shares, valued at $8.22 million in 2018Q3, according to the filing.
More notable recent PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) news were published by: which released: “Pre-Market Earnings Report for February 15, 2019 : PEP, ENB, DE, MCO, FTS, NWL, YNDX, WBC, CHH, POR, SXT, DAN – Nasdaq” on February 14, 2019, also with their article: “Agree To Buy PepsiCo At $80, Earn 3.2% Using Options – Nasdaq” published on January 30, 2019, published: “Why the Earnings Surprise Streak Could Continue for PepsiCo (PEP) – Nasdaq” on January 23, 2019. More interesting news about PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) were released by: and their article: “IWV, PEP, ABBV, AMGN: ETF Outflow Alert – Nasdaq” published on February 11, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Stock Market Today: Investors Buy Into Pepsi’s Plans and NVIDIA’s Rosy Forecast – Nasdaq” with publication date: February 15, 2019.
More notable recent Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) news were published by: which released: “Research Report Identifies Stryker, Total System Services, Vista Outdoor, Plains All American Pipeline, Emerson Electric, and IZEA with Renewed Outlook — Fundamental Analysis, Calculating Forward Movement – GlobeNewswire” on January 31, 2019, also with their article: “Emerson Schedules Annual Investor Conference – Business Wire” published on January 29, 2019, published: “Emerson Electric Q1 2019 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” on February 04, 2019. More interesting news about Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) were released by: and their article: “Earnings Scheduled For February 5, 2019 – Benzinga” published on February 05, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “5 Dividend Kings Built for the Long Term – Motley Fool” with publication date: January 29, 2019.
Among 30 analysts covering Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR), 13 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 16 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. Emerson Electric Co. had 106 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Monday, October 23 by Cowen & Co. On Monday, October 3 the stock rating was initiated by Berenberg with “Sell”. Barclays Capital maintained the stock with “Equal Weight” rating in Wednesday, August 5 report. The stock of Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) earned “Buy” rating by JMP Securities on Thursday, September 14. RBC Capital Markets maintained Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) rating on Monday, July 10. RBC Capital Markets has “Hold” rating and $6200 target. RBC Capital Markets maintained Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) on Tuesday, August 1 with “Hold” rating. On Tuesday, October 17 the stock rating was upgraded by Bank of America to “Buy”. On Wednesday, August 5 the stock rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with “Buy”. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Friday, November 17 by Edward Jones. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with “Buy” on Sunday, December 10.
Since September 7, 2018, it had 0 buys, and 2 insider sales for $5.18 million activity. Another trade for 9,070 shares valued at $616,760 was made by Karsanbhai Surendralal Lanca on Wednesday, November 28.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.92 in 2018 Q3. Its up 0.11, from 0.81 in 2018Q2. It increased, as 42 investors sold EMR shares while 430 reduced holdings. 115 funds opened positions while 321 raised stakes. 424.46 million shares or 1.26% less from 429.87 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Moreover, Reliance Trust Communications Of Delaware has 0.05% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR). Credit Suisse Ag reported 1.01M shares. Glenmede Na owns 292,672 shares. Moreover, Everence Cap has 0.23% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) for 15,073 shares. Pensionfund Dsm Netherlands holds 40,200 shares. Amundi Pioneer Asset Mgmt has 0.66% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) for 6.61 million shares. Wealthcare Capital Management Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 0% in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) or 290 shares. Moreover, Campbell Company Inv Adviser Ltd Liability Corporation has 0.31% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR). Moreover, Quantbot Technologies LP has 0.52% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) for 97,405 shares. Moreover, Sigma Planning has 0.07% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) for 16,164 shares. Leavell Investment Mngmt Inc has 0.52% invested in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) for 63,432 shares. Manufacturers Life Insur Com The holds 660,794 shares or 0.05% of its portfolio. Yhb Advsrs Incorporated owns 14,888 shares or 0.17% of their US portfolio. Raab Moskowitz Asset Mgmt Ltd Liability Co accumulated 746 shares. Dt Invest Limited Liability Corp invested 0.52% of its portfolio in Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR).
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