Rathbone Brothers Plc decreased its stake in Colgate (CL) by 6.34% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Rathbone Brothers Plc sold 18,011 shares as the company’s stock declined 5.39% with the market. The institutional investor held 266,033 shares of the package goods and cosmetics company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $17.81 million, down from 284,044 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Rathbone Brothers Plc who had been investing in Colgate for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $57.48B market cap company. The stock increased 1.25% or $0.82 during the last trading session, reaching $66.27. About 1.40M shares traded. Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) has declined 13.20% since February 15, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 13.20% the S&P500. Some Historical CL News: 04/05/2018 – COLGATE NAMES DENNIS HICKEY AS VICE CHAIRMAN; 04/05/2018 – COLGATE NAMES HENNING JAKOBSEN AS CFO, DENNIS HICKEY AS VICE; 04/05/2018 – Colgate Appoints Henning Jakobsen As Chief Financial Officer And Dennis Hickey As Vice Chairman; 16/05/2018 – Colgate-Palmolive at AllianceBernstein Conference Jun 1; 07/03/2018 – COLGATE RAISES QTRLY DIVIDEND TO 42C/SHR VS 40C; 27/04/2018 – Colgate’s sales disappoint on tepid emerging market demand; 19/03/2018 – COLGATE CONTINUES TO RECOMMEND HOLDERS REJECT “MINI-TENDER”; 19/03/2018 – Colgate-Palmolive (CL), Estee Lauder (EL) on Watch Amid Rumors; 27/04/2018 – Colgate-Palmolive 1Q Adj EPS 74c; 23/05/2018 – Colgate-Palmolive Aims for 100 % Recyclability of Plastics in Packaging Across All Its Pdt Categories by 2025
Srb Corp decreased its stake in Plains All Amer Pipeline Lp (PAA) by 49.92% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Srb Corp sold 165,200 shares as the company’s stock declined 12.86% with the market. The institutional investor held 165,735 shares of the energy company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $4.15 million, down from 330,935 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Srb Corp who had been investing in Plains All Amer Pipeline Lp for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $17.63 billion market cap company. The stock increased 0.87% or $0.21 during the last trading session, reaching $24.27. About 269,513 shares traded. Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (NYSE:PAA) has risen 10.54% since February 15, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 10.54% the S&P500.
Among 28 analysts covering Colgate-Palmolive (NYSE:CL), 5 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 21 Hold. Therefore 18% are positive. Colgate-Palmolive had 88 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Thursday, November 2 by Citigroup. Jefferies maintained Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) rating on Monday, October 30. Jefferies has “Hold” rating and $76 target. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of CL in report on Tuesday, September 5 with “Hold” rating. Wells Fargo maintained the shares of CL in report on Wednesday, October 17 with “Market Perform” rating. RBC Capital Markets maintained Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) rating on Friday, June 30. RBC Capital Markets has “Hold” rating and $7400 target. Stifel Nicolaus maintained it with “Hold” rating and $73 target in Monday, July 23 report. On Thursday, April 14 the stock rating was maintained by Citigroup with “Buy”. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Friday, July 21 by Jefferies. The company was maintained on Tuesday, October 30 by Argus Research. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, July 6 by Jefferies.
Since September 11, 2018, it had 0 buys, and 3 insider sales for $471,628 activity. 1,015 shares were sold by JAKOBSEN HENNING I, worth $68,060 on Tuesday, September 11. Another trade for 5,780 shares valued at $372,590 was sold by CAHILL JOHN T.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.8 in 2018 Q3. Its down 0.01, from 0.81 in 2018Q2. It dropped, as 37 investors sold CL shares while 441 reduced holdings. 90 funds opened positions while 291 raised stakes. 607.72 million shares or 0.75% less from 612.32 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Brown Advisory Inc stated it has 0.03% of its portfolio in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL). Peapack Gladstone Finance Corporation owns 44,663 shares for 0.15% of their portfolio. Mcf Advsrs Limited Co has invested 0.01% in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL). Foster Dykema Cabot And Ma accumulated 11,984 shares. Jnba Financial Advsrs owns 2,940 shares. Waverton Investment Mngmt reported 0.18% in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL). Etrade Management Ltd Limited Liability Company invested 0.08% in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL). Meiji Yasuda Life Insur has 0.21% invested in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL). Fayez Sarofim & stated it has 46,000 shares. First Foundation holds 4,041 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Boston Research And Mgmt invested in 1.53% or 49,976 shares. Adage Grp Incorporated Lc has invested 0.17% in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL). Thrivent Fin For Lutherans owns 0.01% invested in Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) for 43,187 shares. Transamerica Finance Advsrs owns 2,127 shares for 0.03% of their portfolio. Daiwa Securities Inc reported 35,131 shares.
More notable recent Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “Stocks To Watch: Earnings Heat Check – Seeking Alpha” on January 19, 2019, also Streetinsider.com with their article: “Colgate-Palmolive (CL) Elects Noel Wallace President and CEO; Ian Cook will serve as Executive Chairman – StreetInsider.com” published on February 11, 2019, 247Wallst.com published: “Top Trending Google Internet Search Queries Can Be Huge for Stocks – 24/7 Wall St.” on February 05, 2019. More interesting news about Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Earnings shakeup in household products sector – Seeking Alpha” published on January 23, 2019 as well as Globenewswire.com‘s news article titled: “Market Trends Toward New Normal in Colgate-Palmolive, Mednax, The Cheesecake Factory, Avid Technology, XPO Logistics, and Pier 1 Imports — Emerging Consolidated Expectations, Analyst Ratings – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: January 29, 2019.
Rathbone Brothers Plc, which manages about $32.89B and $2.94 billion US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Cognizant Technology Usd0.01 Class A Common Stock (NASDAQ:CTSH) by 24,430 shares to 81,818 shares, valued at $6.31 million in 2018Q3, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Ishares Inc Msci Japan New Etf (P/R Split) by 7,024 shares in the quarter, for a total of 116,213 shares, and has risen its stake in Alphabet Inc Usd0.001 Cls A Common Stock.
Among 30 analysts covering Plains All American Pipeline LP (NYSE:PAA), 17 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 12 Hold. Therefore 57% are positive. Plains All American Pipeline LP had 123 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Friday, January 12 by Jefferies. The rating was maintained by Robert W. Baird with “Hold” on Wednesday, August 30. The firm has “Sector Perform” rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Friday, January 15. JP Morgan maintained Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (NYSE:PAA) rating on Friday, August 24. JP Morgan has “Overweight” rating and $32 target. Jefferies maintained the shares of PAA in report on Thursday, June 22 with “Hold” rating. On Thursday, December 10 the stock rating was upgraded by Robert W. Baird to “Outperform”. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, December 20 by Jefferies. As per Monday, July 10, the company rating was upgraded by Mizuho. Seaport Global Securities downgraded Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (NYSE:PAA) on Friday, December 18 to “Neutral” rating. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with “Hold” on Wednesday, November 8.
More notable recent Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (NYSE:PAA) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “Permian pipeline constraints seen easing by late 2019, Raymond James says – Seeking Alpha” on September 25, 2018, also Fool.com with their article: “Plains All American Pipeline, L.P.’s Expansion Plan Continues to Pay Dividends – Motley Fool” published on August 08, 2018, Seekingalpha.com published: “Permian pipeline building binge sparks fears of overbuild – Seeking Alpha” on July 09, 2018. More interesting news about Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (NYSE:PAA) were released by: Fool.com and their article: “Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. Earnings Skyrocket in Q3 – Motley Fool” published on November 07, 2018 as well as Seekingalpha.com‘s news article titled: “Texas nat gas plunges to lowest on record amid Permian pipeline constraints – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: November 27, 2018.

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