Tuttle Tactical Management Llc increased its stake in Thermo Fisher Scientific. (TMO) by 866.35% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Tuttle Tactical Management Llc bought 18,020 shares as the company’s stock declined 0.05% with the market. The institutional investor held 20,100 shares of the industrial machinery and components company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $4.90 million, up from 2,080 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Tuttle Tactical Management Llc who had been investing in Thermo Fisher Scientific. for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $99.28B market cap company. The stock decreased 0.32% or $0.79 during the last trading session, reaching $246.6. About 752,456 shares traded. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) has risen 27.72% since February 14, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 27.72% the S&P500. Some Historical TMO News: 02/05/2018 – Thermo Fisher Scientific Unveils Gibco ExpiSf System, First Ever Chemically Defined Insect Protein Expression System; 27/04/2018 – THERMO FISHER, LEICA IN PACT FOR CRYO-TOMOGRAPHY WORKFLOW; 29/05/2018 – Thermo King “Moves Food” to Increase Food Security; 16/03/2018 – Thermo Fisher Scientific Acquires IntegenX, Provider of Leading Rapid DNA Technology for Human Identification; 25/04/2018 – Thermo Fisher 1Q Net $579M; 25/04/2018 – THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC TMO.N FY2018 SHR VIEW $10.84, REV VIEW $23.60 BLN — THOMSON REUTERS l/B/E/S; 25/04/2018 – Thermo Fisher raises 2018 forecast; 1st quarter profit beats; 26/04/2018 – Thermo Scientific Explorer 4 Additive Scanning Electron Microscope Delivers First Dedicated Solution for 3D Printing Process Control; 16/03/2018 – Thermo Fisher Closes Below 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 12/04/2018 – Thermo Fisher Scientific to Showcase Clinical Research Advances in Immuno-Oncology at AACR
Clearbridge Investments Llc decreased its stake in Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) by 2.79% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Clearbridge Investments Llc sold 11,934 shares as the company’s stock declined 13.28% with the market. The institutional investor held 415,776 shares of the capital goods company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $77.97 million, down from 427,710 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Clearbridge Investments Llc who had been investing in Rockwell Automation Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $21.10 billion market cap company. The stock decreased 0.16% or $0.29 during the last trading session, reaching $176.54. About 760,273 shares traded. Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) has declined 16.70% since February 14, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500. Some Historical ROK News: 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC – ” GLOBAL MANUFACTURING ENVIRONMENT REMAINS FAVORABLE AND MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS ARE POSITIVE”; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC ROK.N SEES FY 2018 SALES ABOUT $6.7 BLN; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC – “DEMAND FOR QUARTER WAS FAIRLY BROAD BASED ACROSS REGIONS AND VERTICALS”; 07/05/2018 – Rockwell Auto: FactoryTalk Network Manager Software Simplifies Network Operations and Maintenance; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION BOOSTING DIV 10%; 20/03/2018 – TenLinks: Rockwell Automation Releases ThinManager v10.0; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC ROK.N SETS QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF $0.92/SHR; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC – SEES 2018 REPORTED SALES GROWTH 4.5 PCT TO 7.5 PCT; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC – CONTROL PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS QUARTERLY SALES WERE $882.8 MLN, AN INCREASE OF 5.7 PERCENT COMPARED TO $835.3 MLN; 25/04/2018 – ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC ROK.N SEES FY 2018 SHR $3.65 TO $3.95
More notable recent Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) news were published by: 247Wallst.com which released: “Top Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades: Avaya, AstraZeneca, HD Supply, HubSpot, Intel, Norfolk Southern, Ultimate Software, Valero Energy and More – 24/7 Wall St.” on January 25, 2019, also with their article: “10 Biggest Price Target Changes For Friday – Benzinga” published on January 25, 2019, Seekingalpha.com published: “Here’s The Price I’ll Start Buying Rockwell Automation – Seeking Alpha” on December 24, 2018. More interesting news about Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Rockwell Automation Q1 2019 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” published on January 28, 2019 as well as Seekingalpha.com‘s news article titled: “Rockwell +3.6 on Q4 beat, maintains guidance – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: January 29, 2019.
Since August 24, 2018, it had 0 insider purchases, and 15 sales for $8.36 million activity. Wlodarczyk Francis sold $113,414 worth of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) on Monday, December 3. Another trade for 3,834 shares valued at $674,943 was sold by MCDERMOTT JOHN P. $113,453 worth of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) was sold by Etzel Steven W. on Monday, December 3. Another trade for 428 shares valued at $75,321 was made by Murphy Robert B on Monday, December 3. Fooks Elik I also sold $143,251 worth of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) on Monday, December 3. Schmitt Susan sold $787,596 worth of stock or 4,500 shares.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.13 in 2018 Q3. Its up 0.16, from 0.97 in 2018Q2. It is positive, as 41 investors sold ROK shares while 212 reduced holdings. 93 funds opened positions while 193 raised stakes. 81.37 million shares or 5.20% less from 85.83 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Oregon Employees Retirement Fund accumulated 0.09% or 33,819 shares. Estabrook Cap reported 1,000 shares stake. Howland Cap Management Limited Liability accumulated 0.03% or 2,303 shares. Rhumbline Advisers holds 249,291 shares or 0.09% of its portfolio. Copeland Cap Mgmt Ltd Company, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 36,841 shares. Everett Harris Ca has 0.01% invested in Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) for 1,100 shares. Westfield Limited Partnership owns 184,923 shares for 0.24% of their portfolio. Artemis Investment Management Limited Liability Partnership accumulated 48,266 shares. Moreover, Cetera Advisor Netwr Limited Co has 0.03% invested in Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) for 4,540 shares. Axa holds 0.38% of its portfolio in Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) for 553,313 shares. Howe Rusling holds 215 shares. Texas Permanent School Fund accumulated 27,649 shares or 0.07% of the stock. Capstone Inv Advsr Limited Liability Co owns 0% invested in Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK) for 66 shares. Wealthtrust Fairport Ltd Limited Liability Company accumulated 0.02% or 997 shares. Brown Brothers Harriman & Company has 0% invested in Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK).
Clearbridge Investments Llc, which manages about $116.19 billion US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Royal Gold Inc (NASDAQ:RGLD) by 581,827 shares to 582,934 shares, valued at $44.92M in 2018Q3, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Inphi Corp (NYSE:IPHI) by 100,486 shares in the quarter, for a total of 1.93M shares, and has risen its stake in Sociedad Quimica Minera De C (NYSE:SQM).
Among 32 analysts covering Rockwell Automation (NYSE:ROK), 8 have Buy rating, 7 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 25% are positive. Rockwell Automation had 86 analyst reports since September 9, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was upgraded on Wednesday, March 28 by Wells Fargo. The rating was downgraded by Bernstein to “Underperform” on Thursday, January 28. As per Thursday, October 29, the company rating was downgraded by Bank of America. As per Tuesday, August 21, the company rating was reinitiated by Morgan Stanley. The firm has “Sell” rating by Goldman Sachs given on Monday, July 16. The company was maintained on Tuesday, October 31 by Wells Fargo. Barclays Capital maintained it with “Equal-Weight” rating and $165 target in Monday, January 7 report. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, November 11 by Deutsche Bank. The firm has “Hold” rating by Oppenheimer given on Thursday, July 27. The firm has “Equal-Weight” rating by Barclays Capital given on Thursday, April 26.
Among 20 analysts covering Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE:TMO), 17 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 85% are positive. Thermo Fisher Scientific had 74 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Friday, July 22, the company rating was reinitiated by BTIG Research. The company was maintained on Thursday, July 13 by Jefferies. Deutsche Bank initiated it with “Buy” rating and $160 target in Thursday, January 7 report. The company was downgraded on Thursday, October 18 by Cleveland. The company was maintained on Thursday, July 26 by Morgan Stanley. Leerink Swann maintained it with “Buy” rating and $239.0 target in Thursday, February 1 report. As per Thursday, October 25, the company rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley. On Wednesday, September 27 the stock rating was maintained by Jefferies with “Hold”. The rating was reinitiated by Leerink Swann on Thursday, November 10 with “Outperform”. The rating was maintained by Citigroup on Wednesday, October 10 with “Buy”.
Tuttle Tactical Management Llc, which manages about $198.63M and $526.32M US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Term Futures Etn by 42,963 shares to 123,148 shares, valued at $3.28 million in 2018Q3, according to the filing. It also reduced its holding in Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC) by 21,407 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 7,681 shares, and cut its stake in Moody’s Corp (NYSE:MCO).
Since October 1, 2018, it had 0 buys, and 5 sales for $39.04 million activity. CASPER MARC N also sold $31.07M worth of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) on Monday, October 1. Shares for $4.26M were sold by Herrema Gregory J.. On Friday, December 7 the insider Williamson Stephen sold $2.29M.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.85 in Q3 2018. Its down 0.23, from 1.08 in 2018Q2. It is negative, as 41 investors sold TMO shares while 434 reduced holdings. 111 funds opened positions while 295 raised stakes. 333.46 million shares or 0.38% more from 332.19 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Illinois-based Cibc Retail Bank Usa has invested 0.15% in Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO). 11,127 were accumulated by Peloton Wealth Strategists. Pictet & Cie (Europe) accumulated 2.37% or 68,965 shares. Burt Wealth Advsr has invested 0.03% in Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO). Northstar Asset Management Limited Liability Company has 2.93% invested in Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) for 30,917 shares. Sageworth Trust Communication holds 198 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Management Assocs holds 0.91% in Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) or 3,000 shares. New Jersey-based Mcrae Management has invested 0.27% in Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO). Loeb Prns Corporation accumulated 0.17% or 1,915 shares. Fjarde Ap accumulated 107,808 shares. Ashfield Capital Prtnrs Lc reported 1.14% of its portfolio in Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO). Nelson Roberts Advsrs Limited accumulated 154 shares. State Common Retirement Fund stated it has 1.41 million shares or 0.41% of all its holdings. Dubuque Bankshares And Tru holds 0.06% or 1,587 shares in its portfolio. Archford Cap Strategies Limited Com reported 4,567 shares.
More notable recent Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) news were published by: Streetinsider.com which released: “Viking Global’s 13F Shows New Stakes in Adobe (ADBE), American Airlines (AAL), Boeing (BA), Zillow (ZG), Increase in Alibaba (BABA) (More…) – StreetInsider.com” on February 14, 2019, also with their article: “Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (NYSE:TMO) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Q4 Earnings Preview – Benzinga” published on January 29, 2019, published: “Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (NYSE:TMO) – Q3 Earnings Preview: Thermo Fisher Scientific – Benzinga” on October 23, 2018. More interesting news about Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Thermo Fisher Scientific Q4 2018 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” published on January 29, 2019 as well as Seekingalpha.com‘s news article titled: “Thermo Fisher in-licenses CRISPR technologies – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: September 18, 2018.

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