Shares of AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO (FRA:FH41) last traded at 227.1, representing a move of 1.34%, or 3 per share, on volume of shares. After opening the trading day at 224.35, shares of AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO traded in a close range. AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO currently has a total float of shares and on average sees shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 224.35 and high of 227.5.
What’s Behind Germany’s Economic Growth?
Germany is one of the most influential economies in the world along with the US and Japan. Behind its success is a rich trade and commerce industry, particularly a thriving equity market. It is not easy for companies, including AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO to become part of this market. Like in any other nation, Germany lies in its own trading environment to succeed and stay at par with international economic giants. The German Stock Exchange plays an important role in this economic success.
Europe’s Thriving Giant
The German Stock Exchange, needless to say, is one of the best stock exchanges globally. And it gives its advantages to AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO as well. It is composed of multiple stock exchanges situated throughout Germany such as the BÖAG Börsen AG, which is the resulting union of the Hamburg Stock Exchange and the Hanover Stock Exchange; the Börse Berlin-Bremen, which is the resulting union of the Berlin Stock Exchange and the Börse Bremen; the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, which is the biggest of all the components; and the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, which is the second biggest German Stock Exchange component.
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, facilitating the trade in Frankfurt, alone represents about 80% of the overall market valuation in Germany. It is owned and operated by Deutsche Börse.
A Powerful Trade Index
The Deutsche Aktien Xchange (DAX) 30 is the benchmark index in the country. It measures the top 30 companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange based on market valuation. That being said, the DAX 30 is a powerful indicator of the economy not just in Germany but also in the entire European region. Investors from across the world are looking for the reliable companies like AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO there.
The base value on the DAX 30 is 1,000, which has been the case since December 31, 1987. Index prices on the DAX 30 are calculated using XETRA, an electronic trading system. It has been in the works since June 18, 1999. In January 2006, the system began calculating index prices every second, providing accurate, real-time results.
The DAX 30 can be quoted either in terms of price or performance. The price index is commonly quoted internationally while the performance index is commonly quoted domestically.
Euro is the primary currency on the DAX 30. To trade, a margin of 2% and a minimum trading size of one index are required.
The DAX 30 had experienced its longest bullish period between 2003 and 2007. Having lasted for over 1,500 days, it is probably one of the longest bullish periods ever recorded by a benchmark index in history.
In 2009, the DAX 30 hit its all-time low of €3,580 after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. It had nonetheless attained a major comeback in 2013 when it recorded its all-time high of €8,736, beating its peak level of €8,105.69 seen during its glory years.
In terms of performance, the DAX 30 had reached its highest level of 12,374.73 in April 2015. Its lowest level of 372.30 has not been seen in more than four decades.
Be it for long term or short term, investing in the German Stock Index is reasonable nowadays. And AXA WLD-FRAM.EUROPE AC EO is on demand there. With Germany’s position in the global economy, investors will surely enjoy high returns.

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