Town & Country Bank & Trust Company Dba First Bankers Trust Company Boosted Its 3M Co (MMM) Holding; Shorts at Wright Medical Group N.V. – Ordinary Shares (WMGI) Lowered By 0.64%

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Town & Country Bank & Trust Company Dba First Bankers Trust Company increased 3M Co (MMM) stake by 10.4% reported in 2018Q3 SEC filing. Town & Country Bank & Trust Company Dba First Bankers Trust Company acquired 1,472 shares as 3M Co (MMM)’s stock declined 6.86%. The Town & Country Bank & Trust Company Dba First Bankers Trust Company holds 15,622 shares with $3.29 million value, up from 14,150 last quarter. 3M Co now has $115.97B valuation. The stock decreased 0.57% or $1.14 during the last trading session, reaching $199.16. About 2.24M shares traded. 3M Company (NYSE:MMM) has declined 17.47% since February 4, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 17.47% the S&P500. Some Historical MMM News: 04/05/2018 – British Airways Pensions Exits GE, Doubles Down on 3M —; 09/04/2018 – 3M Announces Upcoming Investor Events; 09/05/2018 – LifeSignals Launches Life Signal(TM) Processor Product Family, Developed with Support of 3M and STMicroelectronics; 04/04/2018 – 3M Announces New Leadership Appointment; 24/04/2018 – 3M CO – QTRLY ORGANIC LOCAL-CURRENCY SALES GROWTH OF 2.8 PERCENT; 24/04/2018 – 3M Had Seen 2018 Adjusted EPS $10.20-$10.70; 29/03/2018 – Poland 3M Wibor at 1.72% by End-2Q18 vs 1.73% Prior (Survey); 24/04/2018 – 3M Sees 2018 EPS $8.68-EPS $9.03; 24/04/2018 – 3M CO – DURING THE QUARTER, CO RECORDED AN EXPENSE OF $217 MILLION, OR $0.36 PER SHARE, RELATED TO THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT; 13/04/2018 – Canada 3M CDOR Yield at 1.93% by End-3Q vs 1.90% Prior (Survey)

Wright Medical Group N.V. – Ordinary Shares (NASDAQ:WMGI) had a decrease of 0.64% in short interest. WMGI’s SI was 15.07M shares in February as released by FINRA. Its down 0.64% from 15.17 million shares previously. With 2.01M avg volume, 8 days are for Wright Medical Group N.V. – Ordinary Shares (NASDAQ:WMGI)’s short sellers to cover WMGI’s short positions. The SI to Wright Medical Group N.V. – Ordinary Shares’s float is 15.28%. The stock decreased 1.78% or $0.53 during the last trading session, reaching $29.31. About 1.55M shares traded or 10.56% up from the average. Wright Medical Group N.V. (NASDAQ:WMGI) has risen 20.20% since February 4, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.20% the S&P500. Some Historical WMGI News: 22/03/2018 Wright Medical Group N.V. Highlights New Product Launches at the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) 2018 Scien; 09/05/2018 – WRIGHT MEDICAL GROUP NV WMGI.O FY2018 REV VIEW $808.5 MLN — THOMSON REUTERS l/B/E/S; 09/05/2018 – WRIGHT MEDICAL REAFFIRMS PRIOR 2018 ANNUAL GUIDANCE; 09/05/2018 – WRIGHT MEDICAL 1Q ADJ LOSS/SHR CONT OPS 1C, EST. LOSS/SHR 7C; 09/05/2018 – Wright Medical Group 1Q Loss/Shr 24c; 09/05/2018 – WRIGHT MEDICAL SEES FY ADJ LOSS/SHR CONT OPS 16C TO 23C; 09/05/2018 – WRIGHT MEDICAL GROUP NV WMGI.O SEES FY 2018 SALES ABOUT $800 MLN TO $812 MLN; 09/05/2018 – WRIGHT MEDICAL GROUP NV – REAFFIRMS PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED 2018 ANNUAL GUIDANCE; 21/05/2018 – Report: Exploring Fundamental Drivers Behind Syros Pharmaceuticals, J & J Snack Foods, Wright Medical Group N.V, HCI Group, Ten

Investors sentiment increased to 1.03 in Q3 2018. Its up 0.06, from 0.97 in 2018Q2. It improved, as 47 investors sold MMM shares while 535 reduced holdings. 117 funds opened positions while 480 raised stakes. 371.40 million shares or 0.76% less from 374.25 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. New York-based Mathes Company Incorporated has invested 1.31% in 3M Company (NYSE:MMM). Renaissance Inv Lc holds 0.15% or 1,815 shares in its portfolio. Findlay Park Prtn Llp owns 1.97 million shares. Schnieders Capital Mngmt Lc invested in 1.28% or 14,764 shares. Janney Montgomery Scott Limited Company invested 0.38% in 3M Company (NYSE:MMM). Cohen Lawrence B accumulated 12,708 shares. Cap Advisors Ltd Limited Liability Com reported 1,647 shares. Wilkins Inv Counsel owns 43,925 shares for 2.77% of their portfolio. Parthenon Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 8,983 shares. Mason Street Advsrs Ltd holds 0.37% or 82,465 shares. Grimes Inc has 13,094 shares. Adell Harriman Carpenter has invested 0% in 3M Company (NYSE:MMM). 4,094 are held by Proffitt & Goodson Inc. First National Tru reported 1.03% stake. Smithfield holds 0.41% of its portfolio in 3M Company (NYSE:MMM) for 18,066 shares.

Among 7 analysts covering 3M (NYSE:MMM), 3 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. 3M had 12 analyst reports since August 21, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. Citigroup maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Wednesday, October 24 report. As per Wednesday, October 24, the company rating was maintained by Barclays Capital. Barclays Capital maintained it with “Underweight” rating and $190 target in Monday, November 19 report. The firm has “Neutral” rating by UBS given on Thursday, August 30. Argus Research maintained 3M Company (NYSE:MMM) rating on Wednesday, October 24. Argus Research has “Buy” rating and $225 target. UBS maintained the stock with “Neutral” rating in Wednesday, October 24 report. The rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with “Hold” on Friday, September 28. The company was maintained on Friday, November 16 by Deutsche Bank. Credit Suisse maintained it with “Outperform” rating and $222 target in Wednesday, October 24 report. Barclays Capital maintained it with “Underweight” rating and $189 target in Thursday, January 3 report.

Since September 10, 2018, it had 1 buying transaction, and 3 selling transactions for $5.45 million activity. On Friday, October 26 PAGE GREGORY R bought $184,500 worth of 3M Company (NYSE:MMM) or 1,000 shares. The insider Hammes Eric D. sold $274,752. Shares for $2.66 million were sold by THULIN INGE G on Thursday, January 31.

More notable recent 3M Company (NYSE:MMM) news were published by: which released: “3M Q4 2018 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” on January 28, 2019, also with their article: “Reputation Alone Won’t Do It For 3M – Seeking Alpha” published on January 31, 2019, published: “How 3M Is Driving the Dow After Earnings – 24/7 Wall St.” on January 29, 2019. More interesting news about 3M Company (NYSE:MMM) were released by: and their article: “The Durability Of Innovation At 3M – Seeking Alpha” published on January 16, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “3M Company: 2019 To Be A Likely Dissappointment – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: January 20, 2019.

More notable recent Wright Medical Group N.V. (NASDAQ:WMGI) news were published by: which released: “Wright Medical exchanges convertible debt – Seeking Alpha” on January 31, 2019, also with their article: “Wright Medical Group NV Announces Organizational Changes to Further Drive Long-Term Growth and Profitability – Nasdaq” published on January 07, 2019, published: “Wright Medical (NASDAQ:WMGI) Is Headed For Double-Digit Growth, Stifel Says In Bullish Initiation – Benzinga” on August 22, 2018. More interesting news about Wright Medical Group N.V. (NASDAQ:WMGI) were released by: and their article: “Needham: Wright Medical Group (NASDAQ:WMGI) A Buy After Latest Acquisition – Benzinga” published on August 28, 2018 as well as‘s news article titled: “Wright Medical Group N.V. Announces Payment Date and Record Date for CVR Product Sales Milestone Payment – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: December 10, 2018.

Among 10 analysts covering Wright Medical Group (NASDAQ:WMGI), 9 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 90% are positive. Wright Medical Group had 12 analyst reports since August 9, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, August 9 by Bank of America. The firm has “Buy” rating by Needham given on Tuesday, August 28. The rating was maintained by Wells Fargo on Thursday, November 8 with “Outperform”. The firm earned “Outperform” rating on Thursday, August 9 by Robert W. Baird. As per Thursday, November 8, the company rating was maintained by Jefferies. The company was maintained on Thursday, August 9 by Cantor Fitzgerald. The company was upgraded on Wednesday, August 29 by BMO Capital Markets. The company was maintained on Thursday, August 9 by Jefferies. Robert W. Baird maintained Wright Medical Group N.V. (NASDAQ:WMGI) rating on Thursday, November 8. Robert W. Baird has “Outperform” rating and $35 target.

3M Company (NYSE:MMM) Institutional Positions Chart

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