Harvest Capital Management Inc decreased its stake in Johnson & Johnson Com (JNJ) by 11.19% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Harvest Capital Management Inc sold 3,205 shares as the company’s stock rose 5.87% while stock markets declined. The hedge fund held 25,449 shares of the major pharmaceuticals company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $3.52M, down from 28,654 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Harvest Capital Management Inc who had been investing in Johnson & Johnson Com for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $359.92B market cap company. The stock increased 0.84% or $1.12 during the last trading session, reaching $134.2. About 9.58 million shares traded. Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) has risen 3.75% since February 3, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 3.75% the S&P500. Some Historical JNJ News: 11/04/2018 – Johnson & Johnson Vision Announces Revolutionary Contact Lens Innovation with ACUVUE OASYS® with Transitions® Light Intelligent Technology™; 02/04/2018 – Fidelity Contrafund Adds Dr Pepper Snapple, Exits J&J; 12/04/2018 – JNJ: INVOKANA IMPROVED RENAL OUTCOMES IN TYPE 2 DIABETES; 30/05/2018 – JANSSEN SAYS PLANNED START OF PHASE 1B/2 STUDY FOR MULTIPLE MYELOMA IS SCHEDULED TO BEGIN ENROLLMENT IN SECOND HALF OF 2018; 23/05/2018 – ADVISORY: JJ Ruest, CN interim president and chief executive officer, to address the Bernstein Strategic Decisions Conference in New York on May 31; 16/05/2018 – #ASCO18 $JNJ FGFRi erdafitinib very nice data in FGFRalt bladder cancer -; 12/04/2018 – INVOKANA® (canagliflozin) Demonstrated Significant Renal Protective Benefits in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chr; 20/05/2018 – Congo to begin Ebola vaccinations on Monday; 04/04/2018 – J&J Jury Set to Weigh Banker’s Claims Baby Powder Caused Cancer; 24/05/2018 – Drug Overview 2018: lnvega Sustenna/lnvega Trinza (Paliperidone Palmitate; Johnson & Johnson) – ResearchAndMarkets.com
Fruth Investment Management increased its stake in Goodyear Tire & Rubber (GT) by 149.06% based on its latest 2018Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Fruth Investment Management bought 31,600 shares as the company’s stock declined 7.34% with the market. The institutional investor held 52,800 shares of the automotive aftermarket company at the end of 2018Q3, valued at $1.23 million, up from 21,200 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Fruth Investment Management who had been investing in Goodyear Tire & Rubber for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $4.90B market cap company. The stock decreased 0.80% or $0.17 during the last trading session, reaching $21.02. About 3.07M shares traded. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT) has declined 31.07% since February 3, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 31.07% the S&P500. Some Historical GT News: 16/04/2018 – Goodyear Tire: Expects JV to Generate Incremental $80M-$100M in Segment Operating Income in 2019 and 2020; 25/04/2018 – Goodyear Tire 1Q Americas Operating Margin 6.6%; 16/04/2018 – Goodyear Tire Expects Deal to Be Accretive to Earnings Beginning in 2019; 17/04/2018 – Atlanta Bus Chrn: Goodyear, Bridgestone joint venture picks Atlanta for headquarters; 25/04/2018 – Goodyear First-Quarter Net Profit More Than Halves on Weaker Demand; 15/03/2018 – TechFlashATL: SCOOP: Goodyear scouts #BangaloreoftheSouth™ for 40K square feet operations center; 17/04/2018 – MOODY’S PLACES ATDI RATINGS UNDER REVIEW FOR DOWNGRADE; 09/05/2018 – CTB, SHLD, GT and 1 more: Sears is expanding partnerships with Amazon: will now sell and install tires through Sears Autocenters, regardless of brand. – ! $CTB $SHLD $GT $AMZN; 23/03/2018 – Goodyear Names 35th Highway Hero; 23/04/2018 – Goodyear Strengthens Commitment to Sustainable Natural Rubber
Among 25 analysts covering Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), 12 have Buy rating, 4 Sell and 9 Hold. Therefore 48% are positive. Johnson & Johnson had 111 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Buy” rating by Wells Fargo on Monday, October 9. The firm has “Equal-Weight” rating given on Wednesday, October 18 by Morgan Stanley. The firm has “Equal-Weight” rating given on Tuesday, April 10 by Morgan Stanley. The firm has “Buy” rating by Argus Research given on Wednesday, October 18. Citigroup maintained it with “Buy” rating and $149 target in Monday, October 23 report. The stock has “Buy” rating by Cowen & Co on Friday, October 6. Wells Fargo maintained Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) on Monday, January 14 with “Outperform” rating. On Wednesday, July 19 the stock rating was maintained by UBS with “Buy”. As per Wednesday, April 18, the company rating was maintained by Wells Fargo. On Wednesday, October 11 the stock rating was upgraded by Jefferies to “Buy”.
Harvest Capital Management Inc, which manages about $423.50M and $318.59 million US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Etf by 6,508 shares to 297,443 shares, valued at $31.77 million in 2018Q3, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Vanguard S&P 500 Etf (VOO) by 7,085 shares in the quarter, for a total of 98,813 shares, and has risen its stake in Global X Mlp Etf (MLPA).
Investors sentiment increased to 1.05 in 2018 Q3. Its up 0.08, from 0.97 in 2018Q2. It increased, as 43 investors sold JNJ shares while 748 reduced holdings. 115 funds opened positions while 719 raised stakes. 1.70 billion shares or 7.91% less from 1.84 billion shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Dixon Hubard Feinour Brown Va holds 1.57% in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) or 41,074 shares. Liberty Mutual Asset Mgmt holds 0.31% or 107,211 shares in its portfolio. Carlton Hofferkamp Jenks Wealth Mngmt Limited stated it has 17,612 shares or 1.49% of all its holdings. Winslow Evans & Crocker Inc has invested 0.64% of its portfolio in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ). Crestwood Gp Ltd Liability Company stated it has 2.12% in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ). Northeast Consultants has invested 1.24% in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ). Headinvest Ltd Liability Corp accumulated 18,235 shares or 0.73% of the stock. Moreover, Advisor Prtnrs Limited Liability Co has 1.33% invested in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ). Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa invested in 0% or 1.74 million shares. Mycio Wealth Ltd Llc stated it has 39,351 shares or 0.53% of all its holdings. Fishman Jay A Limited Mi holds 152,396 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Homrich & Berg invested in 48,328 shares. Montag Caldwell Llc invested in 2,100 shares. Schnieders Cap Mgmt Llc stated it has 3.31% in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ). Berkshire Asset Mgmt Ltd Liability Pa invested in 2.7% or 230,404 shares.
Since August 27, 2018, it had 3 insider buys, and 8 sales for $79.44 million activity. 748 shares were bought by MULCAHY ANNE M, worth $100,050. Shares for $536,638 were sold by Kapusta Ronald A on Thursday, December 13. Another trade for 264,465 shares valued at $38.60M was sold by Gorsky Alex. The insider Sneed Michael E sold 30,943 shares worth $4.41 million. Fasolo Peter also sold $24.41M worth of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) shares. $133,910 worth of stock was bought by PEREZ WILLIAM D on Friday, December 14.
More notable recent Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “JNJ up 1% premarket on strong Q4 – Seeking Alpha” on January 22, 2019, also Seekingalpha.com with their article: “EUSA Pharma acquires global rights to SYLVANT – Seeking Alpha” published on January 09, 2019, Fool.com published: “Better Buy: Johnson & Johnson vs. AbbVie – The Motley Fool” on February 02, 2019. More interesting news about Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Janssen expands Tremfya development into ulcerative colitis – Seeking Alpha” published on January 17, 2019 as well as Fool.com‘s news article titled: “A War on High Drug Prices Could Boost Biosimilars – Motley Fool” with publication date: February 03, 2019.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.86 in Q3 2018. Its down 0.06, from 0.92 in 2018Q2. It dived, as 43 investors sold GT shares while 134 reduced holdings. 50 funds opened positions while 103 raised stakes. 194.35 million shares or 0.32% more from 193.72 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported. Great West Life Assurance Can has 0.05% invested in The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT). The Minnesota-based Thrivent Financial For Lutherans has invested 0% in The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT). 24,859 are held by Ls Investment Advsrs Limited Company. Nomura Hldg owns 86,963 shares. 1,355 are held by Amica Retiree Med Trust. Victory Mgmt Incorporated holds 3,519 shares. Gamco Investors Et Al holds 0% of its portfolio in The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT) for 11,600 shares. Ancora Advsrs Limited Liability Company holds 0% in The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT) or 200 shares. Toronto Dominion Natl Bank accumulated 179,310 shares. Caxton Associates LP stated it has 11,227 shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Virginia-based Burney has invested 0.03% in The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT). Massachusetts-based Cadence Capital Mngmt Limited Liability Corporation has invested 0.04% in The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ:GT). Livingston Grp Incorporated Asset Mngmt (Operating As Southport Cap Management) stated it has 585 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Aperio Grp Llc stated it has 105,412 shares. Pnc Fin Svcs Gru invested in 64,011 shares.

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